20140923 - Interview with Cobra by Rob Potter
2014-September-23 – Interview with Cobra by Rob Potter
Rob – Hello ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to another Victory of the Light Radio show special program Interview with Cobra coming up in just a moment or two. Again I want to thank all the wonderful helpers that have made this possible: Ricque Seraphico, DaNell Glade and of course the ever creative and talent Smally7 who makes the youtube video that will be available here. I have several important announcements to make. 1. The Mt. shasta Ascension portal conference was absolutely wonderful. We had a great success there. Over 150 people attended to listen to Michael Ellegion, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Robert Parala, Tricia McCannon, Byron Belitsos, yours truly, Andrew Basaigo, and James Gilliland. I want to thank Power Organics and the quantum hut team there and the ascended master healing room, temple of intent for their fine help and service as well as Mr. Scott Springer for his kind generosity in allowing us to use that space. We had some amazing sightings on the night watch with James Gilliland’s goggles. There were a lot of people. One guy in particular was saying, “that’s a satellite, that’s a satellite” and we got a major power up and he said – “Now that’s a ship”. We had a successful contact with our space family who was watching the event. Everyone had a wonderful time. If you go to www.thepromiserevealed.com where you are at right now listening to this show and you go to the home page under events, the Mt. Shasta ascension portal conference there at the top, you’ll see some pictures that we took of the gathering and various aspects. We went to the lake, a very beautiful glacial lake called Castle lake. You’ll see pictures of our meditations by the Stupa that is on the mountain and also we went to the Jesus Field near Castle Lake there for some meditation and prayers and our final closing pictures. Some people weren’t available for the closing ceremonies there. We had a great time. We also have some videos available for you of some music around the fire circle and some wonderful presentations of the speakers. I will be having a DVD and audio of the entire conference coming out. This will take some time to edit. This will be available. We are going to try and recoup some of the cost for the editing of this to pay our wonderful Harold Rays who did that. You can look forward. If you’ve missed it and are wanting to see and hear some of the wonderful presentations. Those will be available soon. 2. Also, I’m happy to announce that we have tremendous new changes coming to the web-site. I have a new web site developer with me and we’re going to be straightening some things out. I’ll be sharing a lot more information in regards to the Pyramid products and I’ll be doing a video blog in the future. Without further a-du Here comes the Cobra interview – Thank you very much.
Rob – OK as promised, here we go folks. We have Cobra on the line. We’re looking forward to another wonderful interview. This is the September (2014) interview. Welcome Cobra. Welcome to the Victory of the light show.
COBRA – Thank you very much for your invitation. www.2012portal.blogspot.com/
Rob – It’s always my pleasure here. I was hoping when we ask you questions if you’d elaborate. There are a couple questions that we have here. We’re going to go into some. I won’t be asking all the ones I’ve sent you but we’ve got some nice ones here. Cobra, What happens to all the souls who are trapped on the astral and etheric plane within this quarantine at the time of the event.
COBRA – When the event happens this will no longer be a quarantine. All the souls that are on the astral/etheric planes. All those souls will be contacted by spiritual guides and will make their own choices regarding their future evolution. Some of those souls might be taken to other star systems, other solar systems for further evolution. Some of those souls will stay here and some will stay here and some will chose to incarnate here after the event.
Rob – Someone said that you said only 5 or 6 people have managed to escape the quarantine of the earth since the congo invasion. Is that correct?
COBRA – Yes it is true. Yes.
Rob – We have another question here. Someone wanted to know about the Great White Brotherhood. Is that associated with the Order of the Star?
COBRA – Yes, the Great White Brotherhood is actually a name for all the ascended masters which have managed to ascend beyond the quarantine, beyond the matrix system and are enlightened beings right now. The brotherhood of the star is actually, not exactly similar, not exactly the same network or the same group but also includes some other beings of light.
Rob – Very Good. So there are multiple groups working together yet separately for the libration of the planet. Is this correct?
COBRA – Yes. They’re working in unison and coordination but they are different groups with different origins with different stories, with different vibrational frequencies and different structures.
Rob – OK. This next question about the event is what a lot of people have asked because they want to get involved. I always tell people to look within and make your own choice. But, What do the resistance life forces see as the greatest critical factors for the event to happen.
COBRA – The great factor in this process is the removal of the chimera group. This is number 1. When this is done everything will be much easier.
Rob – Is there anything that the people on the earth can do to facilitate this.
COBRA – Yes. There are many things people can do. 1. spread the truth, spread information. 2. Join the mass meditation 3. Do whatever you can in your own way, to use your own talents to assist the planetary liberation in your own way. I’m not here to tell you what exactly you need to do. You will need to go inside with your inner guidance and start taking action in your own field of expertise. For some it’s starting a blog, some it’s spreading truth, for some it’s organizing some action on the physical plane. For certain people it’s developing some certain technologies and for some it’s something else. It’s up to every individual to make those choices and take some action.
Rob – Alright. Can you tell me approximately worldwide how many public officials and governments are aware of the upcoming event. This could be behind the scene whether they are acknowledging it publicly or not.
COBRA – The majority of high level officials are aware that something is going on. They might not know or might not be open to all aspects of the change but they know for sure that something big is going to change, something big is going to happen and of course there are many agenda’s in those top levels of government. Some people belong to Jesuit agendas, some people belong to the illuminati agenda and there are many who belong to the light forces. And they all have their own perspective as to what will happen and how they are taking part in this.
Rob – Of course people want to know about the etheric plane update as far as the astral parasites go and as far as the removal of the major archons affecting humanity’s emotions. Is there still any of the astral parasites that are automatically triggered by the scalar wave still going on or are they greatly greatly reduced now and there’s not much going on.
COBRA – The main factor is the scalar network. The scalar network is operational on the plasma plane and the etheric plane. The plasma is actually a layer of creation between the physical and etheric plane which does influences both the physical plane and the etheric plane. And yes, there are still some parasites on the etheric plane that are triggering the buttons in people. Which of course, for some people it’s emotional buttons, some people they are physical buttons, the buttons are being pushed. There is much progress regarding the parasites and not so much progress yet about the scalar network. That is simply because the scalar network is tied to the exotic weapons of the chimera group.
Rob – OK. Here’s an interesting question. Where do the people from planet X come from. It’s not their origin planet. Do we know where they came from?
COBRA – Actually they came from many star systems and they had just one part of their evolution in common on planet x. All those people who originate from planet x had one thing in common – They had a great desire for the liberation of this universe regardless of their origin.
Rob – Very good. Kind of like the 144,000 then, hugh?
COBRA – It is similar, yes.
Rob – Very good. Another question I’ve received a lot of this time. I don’t know if it’s come from a blog out there. A lot of people what to know about the moon. They want a little more clarity. Is it an original satellite. What happened to it. Is it hollow. What is the story with the moon. There’s a lot of questions about that. If you can elaborate on the moon.
COBRA – I have already clarified this is one of my blog posts which was dedicated exactly to the moon question. Yes, It is a natural satellite. It is not hollow in the sense that there is empty space inside. There are cavern systems. there are tunnels inside the moon. There was quite a large reptilian presence on the moon in the past which has all been cleared. There is no negative ET bases left on the moon. There are only light bases present there.
Rob – Is it true the Germans landed on the moon in 1947.
COBRA – I can not confirm this. There was a lot of activity on the moon by the secret space program after WWII.
Rob – Yes, I have heard and seen a video that looked legitimate to me that US and Russia first landed in1962. Do you have any information on that.
COBRA – Yes, this was part of the secret space program.
Rob – OK, very good. Also the Germans of course had a base in Antarctica, Operation High-jump with Admiral Byrd. The allies tried to remove them and kind of got their butts kicked from the advanced ET technology that they had. Is that correct.
COBRA – Yes, that is correct.
Rob – When Admiral Byrd first went into inner earth he didn’t come in contact with them. He went in deeper didn’t he.
COBRA – Actually, this whole story was twisted and I would say, a large part of his story is dis-information. Things happened a little bit differently because the whole story of the polar openings is not exactly as it is presented. There are no big holes, physical holes on the poles but there are entrances into the underground cavern system. In the polar regions on both the south and north pole areas and he actually entered through one of those polar regions and he had seen many things down there.
Rob – OK, so very good. That is very interesting and new information to know. I appreciate that. Can you tell me how large these openings are. Did he fly into one?
COBRA – Actually there are a few, not many, maybe 2 or 3 that are large enough for a small aircraft to open and fly inside with caution if you know exactly how to fly.
Rob – OK. Well he was a good flyer. Here’s a good question: Has a breakaway civilization lived on Mars.
COBRA – It was part of the secret space program. Actually there was part of the break away civilization that had bases on Mars starting in the 50’s and 60’s and through 70’s and 80’s. And then there was a problem in the 90’s at the time of the Congo invasion. Because there was a huge wave of reptilian’s coming from beyond the solar system that came through a star gate on Mars. It was quite nasty out there in the late 90’s and all those bases were cleared by the resistance in the first years of this century.
Rob – OK. Can you tell me about the native martian population that lives underground. As I understand they are very benevolent. Are they astral civilization.
COBRA – There was also some physical presence, not much. Many different races. Some of them were of the light. Some of them were not. All of this is gone. Yes, there is a certain life force present on the etheric plane which is, I would say a form of angelic evolution.
Rob – Very good. That coincides with some information that I’ve received too. That’s very good to hear. At this point in time are there any negative or, I guess positive alien bases in the physical on Mars and what happened to all the earth people on there. How did they remove those earth based colonies up there. What happened to those people.
COBRA – Well, some of them went back to planet earth. Actually escaped from the light forces. Some of them were captured by the light forces. Most of them crossed over to the light side and were taken to planet X and some of them beyond the solar system. There was a small portion of them that didn’t want to accept the light and they were taken to the central sun for re-structuring.
Rob – Wow. We just had Andrew Bassagio at my conference here and – he really enthralled the people. He was detailed and very exact in his description of the Mars jump room and his experiences with Barry Soetoro and stuff. It was quite interesting. A lot of people really enjoyed that. It was kind of interesting to hear that information. Some people seem to think that the Mars program is still on-going and you are adamant and confirm from your source in the resistance and the light forces that that’s no longer going on is it.
COBRA – The break-away civilization does not have access beyond earth’s orbit. They can not access that any more.
Rob – OK. Here’s a question: are the chimera’s incarnated in humans or are they only controlling them.
COBRA – They are incarnated in human bodies, yes. What they are doing, they are using technology, they believe in this trans-humanism in of enhancing human body with electronics. They like to play with this interaction. They’re keeping their bodies with all kinds of sensors and technology. At first look they look like average human being. Of course their source is not part of humanity.
Rob – Is there any particular physical characteristic or probably just the extremely heavy vibe, hugh?
COBRA – Yes, that would be the main characteristic, yea.
Rob – Are they born of humans or are they holographically generated this particular advanced group or are they clones. What is this particular ?
COBRA – Most of them were actually projected with technology to cloned bodies in underground bases. Most of them live most of their lives in underground bases in the past.
Rob – OK. Some people are wondering why the chimera group or the cabal people don’t exit if they know the jig is up here. How come they are not exiting the planet and trying to get away.
COBRA – Because they can not. Because all the teleportation portals are closed. They would be intercepted by the light forces. If they tried to escape with an ordinary spacecraft they would be intercepted as well. They have no where to escape.
Rob – OK. Some people have asked: why didn’t they close those portals a million years ago. Why wasn’t that done at that time.
COBRA – It’s not that easy. Both the light side and the dark side has very advanced technology. Science is being developed on both sides. It’s technological war between the light and the dark and the light did not win all the battles that’s why it takes time.
Rob – OK. Let’s see: someone wants to know what role the Chinese race has played in the history of human evolution.
COBRA – They are one of the main races on the planet. They have very unique characteristics. One of those characteristics is non-expansionism. They just keep their territory and hold the vibration, to some extent successfully and some extent not successfully. The Chinese race was also infiltrated by many reptilian agents throughout the millennia. With the Jesuits in the last 500 years. It’s quite a mixed story with the Chinese.
Rob – Very good. I think that explains kind of why they’ve been peaceful. They haven’t really had that expansionism. It is actually a nice trait. They have a lot of people to control within their own situation there. Some people have wanted some clarity, they’ve been following you for a long time. I personally feel the event is a divine intervention and a divine spiritual thing. And also, You have said that the event timing is in the hands of the resistance.
COBRA – Not exactly. The resistance has some say but the final word will come from the source which has the complete overview of the situation.
Rob – Yes, You’ve talked about windows for the event as thought the astrology has an effect as well and then you’ve said that our participation is a factor and the weekly meditation’s could bring the event sooner.
COBRA – Yea. That’s true. It’s an interaction between human consciousness and the cosmos. It goes both ways. We can speed up the process and cosmic energies can speed up the process as well.
Rob – Yes, it’s an interaction of all these things that will make it happen. Someone has asked as well here in regards to the due date. Is there any possible time-line where this must take place by. Someone mentioned 2025.
COBRA – OK. I will not give any guarantee time-line for various reasons. One of the reasons I have stated many times, the cabal must not know this information.
Rob – Very good. We’ll just have to keep that. I respect that. If the cabal thinks they can run until 2025, they will do their best to do so. Here we have a couple questions and I don’t know – these seem rumors to me. I never pay attention but I’ve got a lot of requests on this. We’ve heard a lot of positive intelligence lately besides the normal names like the dinar guru, or zap or poof, or these guys. Supposedly in the main-stream media there is some positive intel that Iraq is ready to re-value their money. Is this possible? Is this what is going on.
COBRA – OK. People have the wrong perspective of this RV. People are actually trying to solve their financial situation through this. It’s not possible. First the RV is a global process. There were cases in the past when certain countries did RV their currency and this could be a good speculative investment for some . . but it will be very tricky to say that it will happen overnight or it will happen before the event. I’m not expecting. In the conditions that Iraq is right now that this thing can happen before the event. (Yea, I didn’t think so) Regardless of what people say or regardless of what is in any type of media. I don’t believe in that.
Rob – OK. So we have a situation you’ve given a wonderful update. It sounds like the only strange quark is associated with the Brookhaven labs there. Is there anything else going on there. The chimera obviously still has underground bases and chimera activities going on in other places of the world. Am I to understand that from your last post there is only 1 strangelot bomb available.
COBRA – I will not answer directly this question. There is one main stronghold of the group. There are other places where they are still present. They don’t have underground bases like they had in the past. They have some basements spaces which I wouldn’t describe as underground bases. They have very little territory underground and very little capability of movement. They have very powerful exotic weaponry which is quite dangerous if not taken care of properly. So the Light forces are progressing but they need to progress with caution.
Rob – How soon after the RV will NASARA be implemented.
COBRA – NASARA is a part of the plan after the event. Not in the original form but in an expanded form. The plan is not static. It is expanding. Originally NASARA was intended just for the United States. But we are having a planetary reset which will happen. This situation will be implemented in very different economies and different environments and this has to be taken into account. Yes, to answer your question, NASARA will be implemented.
Rob – Very good. We’ve had a lot of questions on this lately, the Scottish voting situation. People want to know was it rigged?
COBRA – Yes, of course.
Rob – Would it be successful if they were honest. Or they just rigged it to be sure.
COBRA – It was a very real possibility that Scotland would have it’s independence and that would decrease the power of the Rothschilds’ quite much and they didn’t want it.
Rob – I’ve heard form you and other very valid sources that the pole shift will not be so much of a cleansing process but will actually be a minor shift and that the hundred thousand year cycle of the pole shift is actually, is that been due to humanities consciousness necessary that the pole shift is taken place so violently in the past.
COBRA – OK. Real intel about the pole shift is still classified. I can not say anything about it. There is no danger of drastic cataclysm in the future. That’s all I can add.
Rob – Is it true that a large object triggered the last pole shift.
COBRA – No. Actually the pole shift, the last one and many of them that happened before were a result of the galactic pulse. Galactic pulse is an event that happens roughly every 25k years – as a result of increased activity of the galactic central sun. When the central sun gets active it emits all kinds of particles which usually trigger increase solar activity and of course increased activity in the environment of the sun which includes our planet.
Rob – So, other physical planets, are they also going through this drastic physical upheaval which basically destroys a civilization every 25k years.
COBRA – It does not need to destroy the civilization. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. Humanity lives on this planet for millions of years. Some of those galactic core explosions are quite drastic. Not all of them are. Some of them can be quite intense. This solar system is much more dynamic than science wants to portray. There are on going changes in the solar system which are quite noticeable. For example the Jupiter great red spot(?) has changed dramatically in the last 10 years or so.
Rob – So, I guess the question is, in other areas of the galaxy there must be millions and millions of civilizations. The light forces, are they for other planets that are not negative. Are these planets aware. Are their entire populations lifted off during their possible pole shift times. Do they have science teams that are not as far along developed. What happens to these worlds, are they just plowed under and started over again.
COBRA – Galactic Confederation has technologies to protect living biospheres throughout the galaxy with their motherships. They emit certain protection fields which protect the planets and they can survive this very easily.
Rob – So these are monitored by the angelic forces and when the pole shifts are nearing these planets are openly contacted by their brotherhoods or warned or ?
COBRA – Yes, and they receive assistance and in most cases it is much easier than on this planet. People on other planets are much more open to cosmic truths and are easily guided and cooperate. It’s much easier.
Rob – OK. Here’s another question that’s asked by a lot of people. We mentioned this last time – the never ending story. How confident can we be after this last hurdle – in other words, the removal of the final top quark strangelot bomb after these are clear that we are clear and a go for the event that we will not have another impediment blocking the event from being triggered. Is the light forces and RM confident that they are on top of the situation and know all that is to be expected and will not have any more major additional issues found out of the blue.
COBRA – As much as I know this is the last thing. Of course, I don’t have all the intel in the universe. I have a lot of intel. I have very good sources but still I’m not at the top. Nobody here on the planet is. From my perspective as far as I know this is the last thing. The event will happen when the event will happen.
Rob – Right, I know. I always tell people 5 years so they’ll stop bugging me. Speaking of the galactic central sun and pole shifts and stuff. People want to know what is the story with global warming. I definitely feel that mankind is definitely having an effect on this. I’m sure that the compression breakthrough technology is also affecting our weather. Can you comment on what is going on with the warming of the planet. Will the temperature on the earth get warmer after the event.
COBRA – Actually we are not in to global warming we are actually in global cooling period. If things would be left to their own devices we would have a new ice age very soon. The light forces are balancing the climate. The main source of climate change is not humanity but the activity of the galactic central sun which changes the activity of our physical sun which of course influences is the main factor of the earth’s weather patterns. What humanity is doing is mostly poising the atmosphere and polluting the biosphere. Of course we have the cabal with their silly toys which try their weather modification. The main issue here is the activity of the galactic central sun. There are galactic forces of light which are stabilizing the weather so it will not go very drastic either way. We will not have extreme hot age and we will not have extreme ice age. We will have moderate weather. After the event the weather will stabilize because weather is also a reflection of consciousness on the planet.
Rob – Alright. thank you. During 9-11 there were many people that might have died. There are some sources saying that the galactic family removed many that day before the death experience. Do you know anything about that. Is that possible or is it true.
COBRA – I can not confirm this.
Rob – OK. Let’s see. Could you share the significance of the Magdalene mysteries in the past and now.
COBRA – Magdalene mysteries are actually part of the Goddess mystery that is closest to the mantle orientation of Christianity. Magdalene mysteries are awakening the reality of the feminine aspect in the life of Jesus because Mary Magdalene was an initiate into the mysteries of the Goddess and those people who are oriented towards that religion it is easiest for them to open to the Goddess mysteries through Mary Magdalene and her life. Of course the Archon’s have distorted her life story and her message because they wanted to suppress her message and her truth. In this time frame the Magdalene mysteries are the easiest way for most of the people to open up the presence of the goddess.
Rob – OK. Someone wants to know in regards to the resistance movement or light forces if this could be considered a form of alien intervention for the average person looking at this. Will there be resistance to the presence of E.T.’s or will the information have come gradually and calmly and slowly at the time of the event.
COBRA – I have described the process many time. At the moment of the event humans, of the surface population will distribute information through the mass media. They will receive part of that intel from the resistance agents. That’s #1. So we are not having an alien invasion. We’ve had many alien invasions in the past and no body seemed to notice. This will assistance to humanity to liberate themselves from the cabal.
Rob – OK. Will all wars stop at the time of the event.
COBRA – Actually all massive armed conflicts are orchestrated by the cabal and as the cabal is removed those conflicts will be officially ended within days. So, I will give you an example. If you have a capitulation in a country it usually takes 2 or 3 days for all conflict to settle down. This is what is going to happen. So I expect in a few days after the event all major armed conflicts will cease.
Rob – How soon after the event will people be able to go and travel and live anywhere around the world with out restrictions or boarders.
COBRA – I would say the whole process will being within the first week after the event and it will take a few months to settle everything completely It’s just a matter of logistics and infrastructure.
Rob – OK. There are many light beings incarnated in human forms. Can the creator God source also assume a human form.
COBRA – The presence of one is too vast to be incarnated in one single being.
Rob – Can you tell us about the incarnation of the master Jesus Christ.
COBRA – Can you specify a question.
Rob – I would like to know from the resistance and from your understanding about the being of Yeshua. Was this an initiate who held a higher force. What was the uniqueness of this incarnation as far as your understanding in the ascended master. He seems to be pretty much considered despite the various different teachers, there seem to be many sources indicate him as kind of like leader of the kind of like the entire galactic federation type of consciousness ensouling energies. Is that correct or can you talk about that.
COBRA – He was one of the light beings that came incarnate on this planet and he achieved his ascension in that life time and of course he was not the only one. He seems to be the most popular for various reason. He was one of many who brought light to this planet.
Rob – OK. Can you comment any more on that or it’s a big one for a lot of people.
COBRA – People need to be more specific in their questions otherwise I will not answer.
Rob – OK. It says here that you said: the star people went through a different process when they emerged from the central sun. They went through the angelic dimension and descended dimensions into physicality. This is certainly the case with Valiant Thor. People would like you to just talk a little bit more about that type of evolution of the beings who have come from the higher dimensions down.
COBRA – Actually it’s a natural way for star being to descend into physicality. There are many different forms that it can take. It can be materialization for very highly developed beings. It can be entering into a cloned body or it can be reincarnating through a birth process. So most of the star people that are physically present on this planet came through the birth process many lifetimes ago to assist in the liberation of the planet and to complete this experience, to complete this liberation process for the whole galaxy.
Rob – OK. Some people want to know: is the quarantine absolutely in place, there’s no way that the negative or dark forces or chimera can exit this planet at this time.
COBRA – They have no where to go because they would be intercepted.
Rob – OK. Someone has an interesting question here. A little seg-way here. Who was exactly Prometheus. Was it a myth or was it based on some true story.
COBRA – Basically all the greek myths are a reflection of things that happened in late Atlantean period and early post Atlantean period. They were real beings, the hero’s and Gods of the Greek mythology are actually real beings that played different roles in the history of that part of the world because Greece was once a colony of Atlantis.
Rob – OK. Someone says that in www.VeteransToday.com, (who I really like Gordon Duff), they seem to be definitely associated to the positive military the stuff they’re releasing. They said that people can be tracked from ingested nano technology.
COBRA – Actually this technology was quite widespread in the late 90’s and the RM has removed more than 99% of this the first years of this century. There is a little bit of this still present. It is far less than what it was 10 or 15 years ago.
Rob – They removed this from every human or?
COBRA – Yes – there was certain technology that removed this actually. There were nano particles in the air traveling around and doing nasty stuff in human bodies and human consciousness.
Rob – Some people still seem to be having some Morgellons disease. Is that from this type of technology. Is that still going on.
COBRA – As I said it is still going on to a certain extent but it is much less than it was in the past.
Rob – OK. Another person here mentioned that you said that there are no underground military bases. What about the chimera, they’re not that deep underground, is that what you meant.
COBRA – Yes – it’s like a basement of a ordinary military base. It’s not like a separate entity like area 51, like we had ___?. They do not exist any more. So for example in the area of 51 – has 4 in Nevada. On the surface there are some buildings and there are some basement areas but there are no vast multi-layered underground places. They have been cleared.
Rob – Very good. One of the questions that people have been asking in regard to the chimera is: can they come to the surface and do they interact and can they do things.
COBRA – Yes, actually they usually tend to live in the military bases and sometimes they do interact with surface population and mostly to intelligence community and Military personnel.
Rob – OK. Have you ever heard of the Scres race.
COBRA – Yes, a little bit.
Rob – OK. I’ve heard they are very powerful. So, someone wants to know. Can you talk on the Iranian scientist M Keish. I know in the past you’re stated that you are not really sure if he’s got the stuff – let’s release it. Do you have any updates on that.
COBRA – I still get the same attitude. He’s talking a lot and if he really has something, then let him show it.
Rob – Right. Can you talk about the religion of Islam and especially Mohammad. They want to know is the entire religion of Islam fabricated by the Cabal. Did Mohammad have genuine contact with the Great White Brotherhood and he was just messed around with.
COBRA – OK. It’s the same story as with every major religion. He was a person that had a mystical experience, a genuine contact with the light that was later manipulated by the Archons. All the major religions have started with genuine spiritual experience and later through the course of the history when the original prophet or visionary dies, the message gets distorted and changed and manipulated by the Archons.
Rob – OK. What kind of higher dimensional energies can penetrate the veil. Of course we know that angels and Ascended Masters are able to get through he scalar fields to assist individuals if we call upon them. Is that correct.
COBRA – Yes. They can go through the scalar fields but just to a certain degree that’s why it’s not so easy to get in contact with Ascended Masters. When the scalar grid is removed it will be much easier for those energies to come through and people will be able to feel them much more directly.
Rob – That’s mostly our limitation in our sensing them it’s not theirs. They can come down.
COBRA – It’s also their inability to penetrate this. If they would be able to handle this completely planet earth quarantine would not even be possible.
Rob – Really? That’s interesting. Are there any future plans to terraform a Mars and Venus to make them like earth at some point in the physical.
COBRA – It will not be needed because there are many planets in this galaxy that are already terraforms and there is enough living space for everybody.
Rob – A general question here in regards to the deeply religious extremist and people at the time of the event: will many of these people give up their beliefs and see a more wholesome unifying picture of the earth. Will this take a period of time. Will it be kind like an emotional death, transformation for these people. Will there be a lot of resistance to this. Of course people have free will. What is the general view from you and the GF.
COBRA – It will be very individual. Some of those people will be open to the light when it comes. They have only developed in this direction because there was not enough light present in the first place Some will be quite resistance to the change. Most will not show that resistance outwardly. Most of the extremists tend to show their true colors only in very negative environments. They are quite afraid to show who they are. So when the light comes they will acting quite normally, as polite citizens of this planet and will keep their beliefs in secret for some time and some of them will transform and some of them will open later to the healing process when they will realize that there is really something going on and the world has really changed. So there is much hope for most of them.
Rob – Right right. They’ll follow in line with the understanding as the light progresses and the truth and the love start spreading it will become natural and they’ll have to open to the truth. I’m kind of curious and people have asked this before and I decided to bring this one in this time. I’m not going to name the channel because you don’t comment on people or the channel. Can you comment on the civilization called Assasani. I believe Wendell Stevens had a book called UFO contact from Serpico which allegedly is a semi-grey planet where some earth beings actually went to live there and actually interacted with these kind of hybrid human grey beings. Is that true?
COBRA – This was one part of the, I would say, the secret space program. Yes, that civilization went through deep transformation when the light forces entered those systems which are quite close to our solar system. It’s quite a recent occasion. It was like the last 10 or 15 years. There was a great transmission of many solar systems in this section of the galaxy and most of the grey’s have crossed into the light.
Rob – Yes, they were manipulated and controlled like we were. Some people have personal questions, you don’t have to answer them but I thought people might like. What is life like for Cobra – is it hectic. Can you not wait to get off planet earth. Have humans drove you to your wits end?
COBRA – Well, you see as a public person I get all kind of responses from very positive to extremely negative ones like the human race is. It is sometimes very inspiring and sometimes it is not so inspiriting and yes, I would like to go home.
Rob – Yes. Some people want to know what is the galactic central sun. Is it really a sun or a star or is it a portal, a field of super consciousness and is it at the geometric center of the milky way of our galaxy?
COBRA – Yes, it is in the geometric center of the milky way galaxy. It is actually a living entity, a star gate, a star – it’s all of that. It’s actually an entrance into the higher dimensions beyond space and time, beyond duality. It is the entrance/exit point and this is the space where souls cross through when they start their evolution, so it’s actually an entry point of birth place for the souls and of course also the dying place for the soul who have lost their purpose in their evolution like the cabal.
Rob – OK. This is kind of to the dark shard strangelot bomb stuff I guess. Someone said you talk about the dark anomaly which exists independent from the source. It’s not part of the positive oneness where the Arch angels descended into. The question is: when the substances of the anomaly were not created by the source, how did it happen or who did it?
COBRA – It was created spontaneously. No body did it. It was created by chance.
Rob – OK. Alright another question here is: it goes back to kind of the religious change movement. People are wondering just like, if the event were to happen today, what would stop all these groups like ISIS and these people who are in the positions of war going on right now. How will they be stopped right now. You have a lot of people with guns going into certain agenda’s.
COBRA – OK. First Islamic state is a CIA/Jesuit creation and when you remove the top Jesuits and CIA Cabal agents, the leadership of that group. Most of the rest of them will go home because they are paid mercenaries. If they are not paid mercenaries, some will be arrested some will be re-educated. It will be a restructuring process. There will be agents of the positive military and of the law enforcement agency which will disarm those people.
Rob – OK. Thank you. The real just, temperance of the police force will come into action and their leaders will be removed and they’ll be literally arrested like any crazy people should be with guns threatening other people. Good.
COBRA – Yes, yes.
Rob – OK . We have a question in regards to California and it may be happening all over the world. We have a question in regards to: what is going on with the drout in California. Is this intended. Is this created. Is there anything being done to stop it.
COBRA – Well the light force is trying to balance those things but The cabal is still using the etheric technology and the scalar technology to artificially enhance the natural process. So it’s a combination of both.
Rob – OK, so it’s just something we have to live with for awhile. Obvious, I guess they’re trying to do that to create more panic and problems on the surface. Someone says they’d like to know how you view the Transcendental Meditation movement and other forms of meditation.
COBRA – Actually TM meditation is very good form of meditation but it’s not the only one. So there are actually many ways how people can meditated and connect with their own soul and their own higher self.
Rob – OK. I guess another question people have they want to know what happened at the time of the collapsing of the tunnels. How many people were in these spaces. How did they get them out. How many people died if possible. If there were large amounts we are wondering why we haven’t heard about them. Someone told me the other day there were 60K people supposedly died in an underground Denver – which was one of the first bases. I know the GFL probably would not be involved in that type of situation.
COBRA – OK. I need to explain certain things. Not all intel about this is correct which is circling around the internet. What was happening was there was intense fighting between the RM and the negative military in those bases and actually I would estimate about 10M people died in those fights.
Rob – Wow. 10M? (around 10M, yes) How many of them were Resistance forces.
COBRA – Not that many.
Rob – Wow. That is huge. That is world wide in all the various underground government bases, hugh.
COBRA – Actually most of them were reptilian forces and forces that came to the planet after the congo invasion and very small percentage of this were negative military forces from the surface.
Rob – OK. So that’s interesting. So those souls were obviously taken to the light and released after their deaths then? correct?
COBRA – Yes, and most of them did cross into the light, those who were not of the reptilian race. Those who were of the reptilian race actually, many of them did not choose the light.
Rob – How about the government aspect of these bases. Some of them went down several miles I understand and they had maybe some of these giant multi-multi-levels. What happened when those were cleared? How were they cleared. Did they just put an alarm on and have them evacuate. Was there some resistance there?
COBRA – There was severe fighting between the resistance and the negative forces which are in those bases. They were conquered layer by layer and cleared and there were actually many people held hostage in those bases and they were freed and given healing. It was not nice. It was not nice, so I’m glad this is over.
Rob – Wow – so these were humans like abducted humans who were being tortured and experimented on (Yes) and they have not been allowed to come to the surface to tell their story.
COBRA – Yes, some of those people who were rescued, some of them were returned to the surface but most of those people went into the resistance and then to other planets for healing and those that who were returned to the surface are not telling their stories.
Rob – And what about the bad guys in the NWO – what happened to them. Did any of them surrender or did a lot of them die to the bitter end.
COBRA – You need to specify, the ones who are still active now or the ones who were part of this underground complex.
Rob – Well we talked about the underground complex and underground bases. There were some prisoners there of course, I would imagine – even good E.T.’s were held prisoners there. (yes, it’s true). I’m talking about, let’s just say mis-led human forces who were part of the cabal, the nazi illuminati who were part of the security. What happened to them when the bases started being cleared below them. Did they get the message and start heading for the surface and exit.
COBRA – It depends. Some of them wanted to defend their grounds. Some of them escaped to the surface. Some of them were captured. Some of them crossed to the light. Some went to the central sun. There were many individual cases. I would say a large part of the illuminati network was cleared because of this. Not all but a substantial part of the illuminati network was cleared when the bases were cleared.
Rob – OK. Someone wants to know – are we already part of the Galactic Federation or does that have to be a formal thing that’s acknowledge by a whole society and announced.
COBRA – It has to be a conscious process. It has to go through the whole of humanity so we are not part of it yet.
Rob – Some people are noticing that the new Prime Minister Narindra Modi of India, he’s introducing somer revolutionary ideas and actions that seem to be of the light. Do you have any information about him. It’s said that he’s spent many years in the Himalayas.
COBRA – Yes, he’s part of the Eastern alliance and yes, he has contact with the light forces and yes, he is supporting the light.
Rob – Very good . I guess we go to the Anuki – a lot of people seem to talk about, James Gilliland talks about. The question here is: Does Cobra receive in your teachings that the Anuki have used the human race to extract gold 250,000 years ago.
COBRA – This comes from Zechariah Sitchen and this is not good information.
Rob – Have you ever been in contact with the council of 12.
COBRA – Yes, but the real council of 12 which is part of the Galactic Confederation.
Rob – Will the ascended master Jesus come to earth after the event.
COBRA – At a certain point, Yes.
Rob – Many people are hyper sensitive and they can physically feel the vibration of thought, actions and movements of physical and non-physical beings around them. For these sensitive people, what would be something useful for these people to do in the future, these naturally sensitive people. Do you have any guidance for these people who haven’t been trained in anything psychic or spiritual and they’re just noticing that they are extremely sensitive people. What would you recommend for these people.
COBRA – First they need to learn a technique of protection. Learn not to get involved into energies around them and stay in their own center then to spend some time in nature and of course to discover their gift because it is a gift and use it in a way that can help the liberation.
Rob – Thank you. Are we really passing through the photon belt.
Rob – The movement through the central plane that Sheldon Nidle talks about is not really accurate in your opinion then.
COBRA – This description is not accurate from scientific point of view. There are a few mistakes there. First, the central sun is not Alcione. Alcione is the central sun of the Pleiadian star system. We are not orbiting around Alcione. We are orbiting around the galactic central sun and 2nd. It’s not a photon belt it’s more of a tachyon energy wave and also high energy particles. Energy which is coming from the galactic central sun every 25k years.
Rob – OK. So our sun does not revolve around Alcione. (No, it does not.) OK. What is the 25K year cycle? We don’t circle the entire galaxy in that period do we?
COBRA – No, it is actually a cycle of 1 pulse of the galactic central sun and the procession of the earth axis entrains to that cycle.
Rob – OK. If the ascension of the planet is destined to occur only after the event, someone wants to know why you stress so much doing the weekly meditations. Another point someone has brought up to me in private is clearly there are always around the planet certainly more than 144,000 people meditating at all the time. Is it really that important that they all hold the same exact intent.
COBRA – Yes, exactly. It is very important if you want to have a great degree of cooperation and create a planetary change. You need to have a group with a same purpose doing the same thing at the same time. It’s a physical law. I did not invent it. It is simply a part of hyper dimensional physics. So that’s why it’s important to get critical mass to, shall I say, accelerate change on the planet.
Rob – OK. Very good. Do the light forces have significant technology to deactivate the black stone quark anomaly.
COBRA – I would say they are developing technology and they are making progress but they are not there yet completely.
Rob – OK. Absolutely again, are the greys and reptilians gone. There are no more abductions, both on the physical and the energetic or multi-dimensional planes energy bodies.
COBRA – There are no more abductions on the physical, but the energy planes there are still experiences people have in their dreams. I would say that is still happening.
Rob – O.k. I think that’s about an hour exactly here today. We’ve gone through all the questions. I want to thank all the people who sent me the questions. Some of you repeat questions we did not ask them. Cobra, thank you very very much for your time today. We appreciate it a lot. I thank you for getting a head set. Hopefully our wonderful sound person Ricque will be able to go through this quicker. We’ll look forward to talking to you again next month. Thank you very much and Victory to the light.
COBRA – Thank you everybody for listening and victory of the light.
2014 August 26 – Interview with Cobra by Rob Potter
Youtube Interview By Smally 7
Youtube version of Cobra interview
(interview transcript by DaNell Glade)
Alright Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to another installation of the Victory of Light Radio show. A special pre-recorded show with Cobra (2012portal.blogspot.com/) on August 26, 2014. We have a wonderful interview coming up. I wanted to remind you that I have a web site called www.thepromiserevealed.com, which some of you are on right now because you have listened to this interview on this page. We have many wonderful information and products here and things you can check out here. We do appreciate your support very much. We work very hard. I want to remind you that we do have a web-site called: www.prepareforchange.net. Cobra and I strongly support and have worked on to bring you information about the event. To remind all of you – Many of you have asked many questions that have been answered before here. I apologize if your questions have not been answered. Some people want to know who Cobra is. He never reveals himself. Some people what to know what happens at the event. Please go to www.prepareforchange.net and study this. I apologize if your questions weren’t answered. I want to thank you all for the wonderful messages of love and support I have received in regard to my health and turn-around. I have put out a blog of a positive nature sharing how I’ve turned some things around. That’s great news. I’d like to thank those who have thanked Cobra and I for our work and the effort we are doing. We like you to continue to support the ideas and mission by learning and growing and sharing as much unconditional love, forgiveness and peace as you can and sharing the good news of the spiritual inevitable transformation of this planet and the revelation of our space family and what that means for us on EARTH. I do have some seats available at the Mt Shasta ascension portal conference with James Gilliland, Byron Belitsos, myself, Robert Parala, Michael Ellegion, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Andrew Basaigo, and Tricia McCannon also going to be there. Were meeting on the 12-14 (Sept 2014). You can find that on my website www.thepromiserevealed.com. There’s a banner that clicks up on my homepage. You can sign up for my e-mail and blog. you can click on that and read all the information about the conference coming up.
I want to thank all the people who help out here. Ricque Seraphico has been instrumental and invaluable in this process. DaNell Glade the silent back-bone of the transcription process for PFC. Always a supporter, always there. Thank you so much, as well as Smalley who always does our videos. Thank you so much folks. Now get ready for the interview with Cobra coming right up.
Rob – OK folks, as promised, we do have Cobra on the line here. We’re ready for a great interview today. We have a lot of repeat questions this month. It’s one actually I’ve been meaning to address with you Cobra. It’s about Karma. I have a couple things I’m going to clarify with that in my reservations. We spoke about this and I want to share this with people. We did receive a lot of questions here In regards to Karma. It has been shared through many different world religions, the nature of cause and effect. It’s like gravity. It does happen. We are light beings we send out our thoughts and they return to us. At a certain level we have to experience things.
You have clarified that . . . and Dr. Frank Stranges also has supported you in this as well as Omnec Onec the woman from Venus, who was in the Astral world. And to clear up her karma and have her last lifetime on earth, she chose to come here. And I’m going to be sharing a lot of her teachings in my Mt. Shasta Conference.
But I wanted to read to you what she says about Karma. “Karma perhaps is often misunderstood. Many regard karma as a punishment for past and present deeds. In reality Karma can be positive or difficult experiences. Karma can also be rewards for positive deeds and actions. It all depends on the individual soul. The awareness, the experiences and the responsibilities of each particular soul. The more one is aware and more responsible one becomes towards ones actions and relations it has a lot to do for the amount of Karma one accumulates, whether it be negative or positive.”
And the other thing she says here is: “that Karma is not only accumulated in the physical but other dimensions as well.”
Would you agree to a certain extent about that understanding of Karma? We had a talk before and you said well it’s not necessarily a punishment, which she has just reinforced. Can you expound more deeply on that?
COBRA – I don’t agree with the notion that karma is a system of punishment. Actually I don’t like to use that word because it is so charged and it was greatly misused by the Archons who actually installed the punishment system on the planet on these two planes and on the physical plane. So I would just simply say that there is a law of manifestation. If you have negative actions you will tend to attract more of the negative actions in the future. I wouldn’t even call it a law of cause and affect, because there are many factors which determine what will be manifested. But I will simply say, if you focus on the positive you tend to manifest more of the positive and if you focus on the negative in your thoughts and emotions and actions you tend to manifest more of the negative and there is no punishment involved in this. There is no reward or punishment system involved in this. The Archons have manipulated and misused that fact by distorting it and by actually creating a punishment system on the astral plane – also on the physical plane. I would never use that word because it is so charged and we have been so misused.
Rob – Yes, maybe you heard me, but I was saying that it is not a punishment system. But the vibration of the experience, if you were like me I can often be judgmental and impatient and that type of energy that I put out can come back to me and it’s a lesson. It’s an opportunity to grow into compassion and understanding as the same vibration that I attracted to myself results in me it’s a learning experience. That’s what I meant. Would you agree with that?
COBRA – I would not even agree with that. I would not say planet earth is a school or a learning experience. I would say that there are much better ways to grow and learn than to have negative experiences mirrored back to you, because it’s a closed loop system. So anywhere else in the universe, if you have a negative thought, you would receive healing. Most people would be open to that healing and would heal. I would say the oldest – all those concepts have been misused to make people believe, to support the recycling system, the reincarnation system that they have something to learn here. It is not true. I do not agree with that.
Rob – I’m going to have to disagree with you on that. My understanding and my teachings and all the information that I have felt and understood and intuited and from my own experience, I don’t see it as a punishment system. I see it as a result of yes, cause and effect. Reincarnation is a fact and it’s accepted on all worlds. The material worlds have always had these problems and there have been some new developments as you’ve said that have been reinforced by some of the information that I have been getting from the Venusians in regards to the nature of the various planes. I wanted to ask you some questions here. Does the earth have an astral plane that is separate from the Venusian or the Pleiadians astral plane?
COBRA – Yes, each planet has a physical body and also has an etheric body and it has the astral body. The astral body of the planet is very much connected with the life forms that are inhabiting the planet. So planet Earth has an astral body which is directly connected with humanity and other life forms on the planet and is of course different than the astral body of the Pleiadians’ star system.
Rob – OK, thank you for that answer. Would you agree that we are souls and that we descend and we begin – go through a process, and the soul’s process and purpose in life is to go through a continual process of ascension which starts as a mineral, moves toward vegetable life over extended millions of years and many different worlds experiencing feelings and emotions and then moves into an animal life existence and has an extremely long experience there – many millions of years – and then the soul becomes a physical being? Would you agree with that?
COBRA – This is one possible course of evolution and the star people on this planet did not go through that process. Actually the star people on this planet went through a different process when they emerged from the central sun, went through the angelic evolution then descended through dimensions into the physicality. But yes, most of humanity on the planet went through mineral phase, went through the vegetable phase and went through the animal phase through millions of years. So we have two streams of evolution here which are now interacting and integrating [with] each other.
Rob – OK, the other thing I would like to ask you, kind of along these same lines here – would you agree that we are soul body takes on various sheaths or bodies to experience the physical plane? My feeling is what is the purpose of creation on all different planes – is to support life, whichever life it is on that plane. I feel from my intuition and experience and understanding of my soul travels that we are constantly learning, evolving, and growing and that the, I’m going to say, in the past, because according to the teachings that you’re giving and some other people that I’ve had more clarification on now, indicate that there is drastic changes taking place. So after billions of years all the universes are changing and there’s a new vibration that is shifting the positive and the negative worlds in a completely radical and different transformational process. Would you agree that we become co-creators as a divine spirit spark as drops in the ocean of the infinite? Our individual expressions are co-creators with supreme deity?
COBRA – Yes, I would agree with that.
Rob – OK. The other thing that I’d like you to comment on before going into other people’s questions. I was going to give you the seven laws that were given to me recently through the Omnec Onec information. The 7 basic laws – these are the divine laws. They maintain these are known on all worlds and the science of soul travel is understood and that the spiritual process of soul travel is a technique used on all worlds to allow each individual soul to have their own experiences. But here are the seven basic laws from Venus and then the seven divine laws. I’d like your comment on these after I give each seven. 1. Know ourselves to be part of the creator. 2. Be thankful for experiencing of existing. 3. Not to judge but accept all beings. 4. To know we have existed in all living forms. 5. Fulfill our responsibilities in each life cycle. 6. Obey the laws of nature in the societies in which we exist. 7. To learn from mistakes so as not to repeat old lessons. Does that sound good?
COBRA – I would say each person needs to find the answers to that question by themselves and go inside and feel within and see if it resonates with you.
Rob – OK. I’ll give the seven divine laws: 1. Love all living creations. 2. Use our energy to support our worlds. 3. Share knowledge and wisdom. 4. Understand the equality of all souls. 5. Never use power to manipulate or control 6. Know the soul is immortal. 7. And give thanks to the one divine being daily. Those are the rules that they go from on Venus. The questions we had about Karma were many but I’m going to go into the questions now and we’ll start running through them from the other individuals. How much do you foresee human behavior thoughts and speech improving as soon as the scalar wave technology implants are removed after the event?
COBRA – When the scalar technology is removed I expect drastic improvement in human behavior, because that technology is one of the main factors why people are acting strange.
Rob – Right now do you feel human behavior is more influenced by Archonic technology itself or is it due to an auto pilot mental programming that has persisted for so long and the negative habits have become so ingrained in humans that the scalar technology is not that influential?
COBRA – It is very influential, because when the technology is removed the light can come in and begin to disintegrate all mind programming. Because mind programming can only be maintained with constant entropy, with constant bombardment with negativity. So when the negativity is removed the programming automatically begins to dissolve.
Rob – OK. The Carlini institute has tracked the effects of intense solar flares and coronal mass injection affects on the human body for several years. These symptoms coincide with the timing of solar flares and include strong feelings of electricity running through the body, extreme weakness or fatigue, pulsation in the head, anxiety, racing heart, fever, flu like symptoms etc. Do you have any information you can share about solar flares? And are there other factors you can mention that may be causing these symptoms which is a newer phenomena in recent years?
COBRA – There are many factors causing this. One is them is the solar flares but it’s not the only one. Actually solar activity is very strongly correlated with the galactic central sun activity which is also increasing. And of course many of those phenomena have nothing to do with solar flares or galactic activity but are mostly created by scalar technology. Scalar technology can create very strange sensations in the body.
Rob – OK, Thank you. We had the compression breakthrough compressing the light down to . . . I think 100 yards or 300 feet from the top of the surface of the planet to below the planet now. We had many many many astral parasites. We seem to move very quickly from the 9 mile limit down to this. Where are we at with the astral parasites, not the individual Archons that are hiding, but where are we at with them right now. Are those mostly removed? Have we gotten a tremendous improvement now that they’ve been compressed in a small area. Is it easier? Are they gone?
COBRA – Yes, there has been quite dramatic progress in the astral parasites. They are almost gone. So this is not the main problem any more regarding the non-physical influence.
Rob – OK, as a side note. I sent you a picture, one person sent me some pictures. They look like some kind of normal biological earth entities but I would like your comment. Did they look like astral parasites?
COBRA – No, no. I have seen the pictures and they look like physical biological entities.
Rob – Yes, that’s what I thought. Next question: if they’re so desperate and unmanageable what is stopping the Chimera form detonating the strangelet bombs. Why haven’t they done this yet?
COBRA – Because they would destroy them as well and they want to survive.
Rob – What is the connection between the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar along the global currency re-set and the event itself? Is it possible that one can proceed the other?
COBRA – There is much talk about this so-called revaluation. I will repeat again. It is extremely unlikely that this will happen before the event and there is a simple reason for this. The worldwide financial system is connected through super computers – through a network. It is a closed network. It is not open network like the internet. It is a closed network and the cabal or, shall we say, more precisely, the Chimera group – they control that network. And until the Cabal is removed the revaluation cannot happen because it has to happen through the banking system and is extremely unlikely that this network will be in the hands of the light forces before the event. Because of course, the Cabal would retaliate and it’s not a good idea.
Rob – Right, but It is possible you spoke about that?
COBRA – It is extremely remotely, extremely small chance.
Rob – I spoke with someone, I can’t talk about them of course, they’re very closely associated with some at upper levels of the revaluation in Reno and attempting to get this done and they actually are thinking it’s possible that things are set. I personally have to agree with you. I don’t really see that taking place. I asked them today if one currency could happen before another. Like just one to see how it goes and what the results would be and they felt that it has to be all at once which reinforces my feelings that it will take the event to make it happen.
COBRA – Yes, this is the only safe way to make it happen. The only balanced way to make it happen.
Rob – Yea and I have a feeling we’re much further away than people think on that. But that’s just my way of never wanting to getting my hopes up. Here’s a series of questions we’re going to go through. Is the RH blood line, some people claim, the Holy Grail? Is it traced back to Jesus and if not, where does this blood line originate from or is it a myth?
COBRA – I would say actually, there is a positive 13 bloodline and it also includes the being which is called Jesus on this planet but also includes many other people. And the purpose of that blood line is to bring light to the planet and yes, it is sometimes called the grail blood-line.
Rob – Right, what about the RH negative blood, the most rare? I have that. It’s AB negative.
COBRA – It’s a completely different story – nothing to do with holy grail or lineages.
Rob – Here’s an interesting questions. I believe consciousness or soul comes from source and descends. What star system and alien race is the birth of the humanoid race or I guess what some people would call the Adam Kadmon?
COBRA – OK. humanoid ____ type has evolved on many different places, not only throughout this galaxy but also other galaxies. I would not say there is a certain specific region that is the birthplace of the human race. It’s a universal archetype which is actually a natural result of the laws of physics. This is the most convenient way for a physical body to function on the physical plane.
Rob – Yea, probably falls along the divine matrix of creation. (Exactly.) Very good. A redundant question here we’ve answered, but the 3D matrix is obviously flawed. How can a parasitic construct which is fueled by energy harvesting ever be rectified? We go back to the parasites and that type of thing. How is this going to happen?
COBRA – OK, you have a matrix which is actually on one level a computer program. Every computer program can be hacked. So all the technology – all the devices – whatever the dark cabal has – they have a weak spot and those weak spots will be exploited and all the technology will be removed. The Cabal without the technology are just human beings without any power.
Rob – OK – I would like to ask another question along these lines. What is the situation with the major Archons? Have we had some major influential Black Nobility or high level Cabal members been removed lately?
COBRA – In the last few months, not many, but the ones that are existing are loosing their power drastically. All the Jesuits and the black nobility families are loosing power quite fast.
Rob – They’re losing their support base even among their minions, huh?
COBRA – Also, yes. But I would say on the highest level they don’t have the power they had before – even half a year ago they had much more power.
Rob – OK. very good. Here’s a question. Why do we circle clockwise during planetary liberation meditation exercises? Some people want to know why we circle clockwise? You circle clockwise in the liberation meditation. Why do you circle clockwise and not counter clockwise?
COBRA – This is the direction of manifestation so we are manifesting liberation on the planet.
Rob – Very good. Why do we pronounce eeee and eeeeahhhh? How did you get the information?
COBRA – It is actually pronounce eeeeh aaaah. (eeeh aaah, Why do we do that?) It is actually creating an energy vortex which dissolves the very structure of duality and dissolves the structure of quantum anomaly on the planet.
Rob – OK, now one person says, ‘I’ve heard and read that humans from other planets have physical bodies. They do not age, do not get ill and live much longer. And it’s actually on each plane the body, to them, has a physicality to it. Doesn’t it? It’s actually a lighter vibration than ours on each different planet depending on the plane – whether they are manifest on an astral planet, or a mental plane or a higher plane. They actually have physical bodies like we do, don’t they?’
COBRA – It depends on the situation but yes, there are many planets where they have physical life. There are many human forms on those planets as well.
Rob – But when they go astral they also have the same body. It’s just a light body, correct?
COBRA – It’s not the same body. The astral body is a little bit different shape. It has a humanoid shape but there’s an oval of light around it. (Yes. Yes.) It’s a little bit different.
Rob – Good, exactly. That’s what I was thinking. The other question here is: I thought after the ascension we could also experience the higher light body. Why do we have to get rid of our physical body?
COBRA – You don’t get rid of the physical body. You transcend it. At a certain point your consciousness integrates everything you need to integrate in this dimension and then you don’t need the physical body any more. Of course after the ascension you can still create a physical body but you will not be incarnated into the body. It will just be a holographic projection.
Rob – Yea, Omnec Onec described life on Venus where they actually… everything is manifested by thought and there is a very strict protocol of teaching how to manifest and how to create… If they want to make a carpet look like tile and feel like grass, they can do it. And they also have social gatherings where they often will appear as famous people in history from various worlds and it’s the challenge of the other guests to figure out who the person is behind their manifested disguise. It’s pretty interesting there. Here it says: in your recent post, The Fall of Chimera, you explain that the Chimera were the master rogue group that enslaved the quarantine earth and they enslaved the reptilians and Draco beings. Can you tell us anything about what these reptilians and Draco’s were like prior to coming to earth?
COBRA – There were many places in this galaxy even this planet had a genuine reptilian and Draco population below the surface of the planet. They were also in many star systems in the Orion constellation and many star systems in the Draco constellation and some other constellations. They was a wide spread lifeform in this sector of the galaxy.
Rob – So they actually lived as conscious beings below the surface of the planet here – from origin from this planet?
COBRA – Yes, some of them. Some of them are genuine earth-based reptilians.
Rob – Were they all ready hostile to humans beings on the surface or was their DNA altered and scalar wave technology to make them tools of the Chimera group.
COBRA – They were hostile, but not as hostile. They were made more hostile because that aspect of their nature was supported and the positive aspect of their nature was not supported.
Rob – Why were they separated from us underground? Why didn’t they evolve along the lines and why didn’t they stay on the surface with us and we just would accept them as another life being like on other planets?
COBRA – They were removed from the surface when they became dangerous to destroy humanity on the surface.
Rob – Oh. Who removed them?
COBRA – Other races. There were many I would say genetic experiments in Atlantis and some of them went quite far, too far. Some of them actually involved the reptilian race and it became dangerous. so there were… Some of the cataclysms in our history actually removed the reptilian race from the surface.
Rob – OK. Here’s a question that Omnec Onec answers. If ascension is about going to another dimension, what happens to all the beautiful technologies and buildings if afterwards everything just vanishes? According to Omnec Onec, when Venus became astral they went through the same cycles that we did in physicality. She says that the planet just gradually, over a period of time, became an astral world. Would you agree with that?
COBRA – Yes, that’s an fairly advanced stage of evolution of a civilization. Humanity is far from that.
Rob – Yeah, Our entire civilization will not be advancing to the astral dimension. Is that correct?
COBRA – Yes, that is correct.
Rob – So what is the transformation? Everyone talks about 4D and 5D – that type of planetary ascension is a long way off. But there is going to be a drastic improvement on the physical plane?
COBRA – Not only drastic improvements on the physical plane, but there will be different paths of evolution open. Because we have people on various stages of development on this planet right now. Some of them will be accelerated drastically. The masses will also receive a quantum leap in their consciousness. But their end destination will be a little different.
Rob – Here’s a question: What is the moon and why does it not spin?
COBRA – The moon is rotating around the earth and it a natural satellite of planet earth.
Rob – Why doesn’t it spin? Why do we always see the same side?
COBRA – Because it’s rotation is synchronized with planet earth.
Rob – OK. According to some sources, the earth was considered uninhabitable by the Galactic Federation because it only had one moon. They’ve indicated that either 2 moons or 1 moon is preferable for inhabitation due to the drastic emotional instability caused by a single moon. Would you agree with that?
COBRA – No, no. Actually people have many ideas about the moon but the moon is actually just amplifying the emotions which are already present. It can actually be a portal for the light.
Rob – I would agree with that. I think it can also be an amplification of negativity too. Would you agree with that?
COBRA – I would say . . . It just triggers whatever has been suppressed. And if people resist that process of clearing, it can appear to be negative. When people go with the process and are not enemies of their emotion, it will not increase negativity. It will purify it.
Rob – OK. I’ll just give a caveat there that the moon’s rotation does affect the serotonin levels in the blood and makes the emotional feelings more intense. And for those who are not in control of their every thought and who are in emotional situations will find themselves, their tension reaching a higher point. Here’s a question – a little political. Why doesn’t Putin officially reveal the true identity of the Cabal in the media? If he’s a good guy, why doesn’t he back this up with the evidence and reveal the ET roles and start to break the quarantine? If he’s changed his colors, why isn’t he a little more powerfully paddling on the side of the light?
COBRA – It is because he is a politician and all major politicians are still controlled by the Cabal to a certain degree. The Cabal could still remove him, or even worse. The cabal could do many . . . I would say if any significant public person would reveal extra-terrestrial evidence or take drastic actions against the Cabal, that would trigger drastic retaliations from the Cabal towards humanity. I would say that there are elements in Russian military which are controlled by the Chimera group. And you know always that the military controls the president. And I would put here the negative aspects of the military even in Russia still controls the president to a certain degree.
Rob – Is he knowingly contacting any members of the resistance, the planetary spiritual hierarchy, the Ascended Masters or is he just trying to maintain his power?
COBRA – He has been contacted by the light forces quite recently. He has received some intel and some guidance from them but he is trying to balance different forces. He’s trying to make this transition as easy as possible for the Russians. His main motivation is to preserve the interests of the Russian nation and at the same moment to support the Eastern Alliance to a certain degree.
Rob – Do you think his viewpoint has evolved to accept the whole transformation that’s coming and the whole thing or do you see him as trying to maintain his position and be that linchpin to the transition and maintain his kind of power thing the way the Cabal kind of runs, or do you think he realizes the complete transformation that is coming that would change things? Is he completely on board? He is that high evolved?
COBRA – I would say he is 80% on board.
Rob –Okay, thank you. It’s said that [if] some cabal members [had been] removed from the planet, it would be logical that the family members or friends would notice that a few people are missing and seek out the media. Why didn’t we hear about the missing persons for those Cabal members you said that were offered asylum – that they didn’t want to be in there?
COBRA – There are very few of them that have been removed from the planet – very few.
Rob – OK. Thank you. Can you comment on Edward Snowden? Is he a genuine whistleblower, white knight, or is he a dis-info? Does he know about the liberation and the resistance?
COBRA – He had a very positive role because he made the masses, the human masses, realize the reality of NSA spying programs, which is a very good thing.
Rob – Very good. Here is a great question. I love this one. Why is it so many people think they’ve been Cleopatra or Osiris in their past life? Do we just connect to memory which is saved in our collective consciousness? Are they delusional? Are we all part of some giant soul family? What is that?
COBRA – It is simply a, I would say, a wish for human beings to be somebody great. It’s just a wishful thinking on the astral plane.
Rob – Very good. How can we bring together the oneness theory of the Archon theory? How can oneness in consciousness and at the same time recognize the negative things and the good things that happen?
COBRA – Okay. Actually oneness is a source field. It’s a consciousness field of everything positive and it does not include a random function. It does not include the negativity itself. The negativity itself is a logical opposite of oneness and both are existing.
Rob – Yes, that goes along with my understanding as well, that the supreme creator is completely perfect in itself and separate in a sense and at the same time we are part and parcel of that divine. It’s actually kind of like a paradox. Here’s a question: For those who decided to come here in Atlantian time before the fall, did we want to have a good thing here created or did we want to help humanity evolve?
COBRA – We came here to liberate the planet. We saw what was happening here and we wanted to stop it. That’s it.
Rob – Are some members of soul families of the star seeds in light ships?
COBRA – It’s a huge soul family. It’s a huge family of light. And yes, many of our members of our soul families are on the ships right now.
Rob – OK. Here’s another question: If a decree has been made by the higher powers, the GFL, that no more nuclear blasts will be allowed in order to bring devastating damage to Gaia earth. Why then are strangelet bombs even a possible concern? Couldn’t they be deactivated just as nuclear weapons have been? Or is It much more difficult? We’ve talked about that before. But someone says it seems contradictory.
COBRA – It is not. It is simply that the nuclear bomb is a very simple technology and strangelet bombs are a little bit more sophisticated and it’s not that easy to disarm. It’s possible, but it takes time and it takes some other factors which are being taken care of right now.
Rob – OK. Another question here: There are many stories circulating for thousands of years that the attempt to explain the earth’s history and cause for confusion among the earth’s inhabitants is lost because of the quarantine and the misinformation from the Cabal. Can you talk about the information or myth that an archangel wanted to experience physical matter was the cause of anomaly of darkness? It seems over simplified.
COBRA – There is some truth in this direction. There was an archangel which actually wanted to experience that anomaly. He descended into that anomaly with very sophisticated technology and that was the birth of the dark forces.
Rob – But the anomaly was already here (Yes.) creating on the physical planes any way, very challenging and difficult experiences, correct?
COBRA – The anomaly was already there but there was no intentional evil up to this point. (OK) The intentional evil was created as an interaction within consciousness and that random function, that potentiality.
Rob – OK. Was he of a particular star race?
COBRA – That archangel actually experienced many star systems and actually belonged to . . . He gathered experiences of many star systems.
Rob – Here’s another question about death. I understand for those who can travel in the Astral plane and go to the worlds where people go when they die – it can be verified by the individual. But someone’s says they’ve read that the light tunnel that people see when they die or have a near death experience is simply a soul catcher for the Archon’s reincarnation factory. Is it possible to escape the reincarnation process by not following the supposedly loving light?
COBRA – OK. I would not agree with that theory. I would say that when light is light and not light is not light. If you follow the light you will get into more light. It’s not a trick. But yes, there are implantation stations on the etheric plane after you die. Yes, there are tricks being made. But if you follow your inner guidance where to go, you will most likely escape them. But you see the surface layer on the planet, on the etheric plane is in the scalar field. It’s very difficult to escape the scalar field. People that die are actually trapped in that scalar field around the earth. They usually go to the next incarnation within that scalar field.
Rob – And that’s in the lower astral plane they don’t escape it. Is that correct?
COBRA – Now in the lower astral planes it’s easier than it was. it’s possible to escape it but you have to transcend your inner attachments to the planetary surface.
Rob – OK. What are those humming sounds heard all over the planet? This was more prevalent some time ago. But I have heard sounds. Are these legitimate video’s? Are these hoaxes? Or are there some sort of causes for these humming sounds?
COBRA – Yes, this sound is still happening. It’s actually a combination. It was very strong etheric sound but now there is also strong plasma scalar technology which creates infra sound, which can be heard by human beings or even felt with human body. They are low frequencies, between, I would say, 10-50 Hz, which can be heard by human ear. They can be felt as a low humming vibration in the body, which is usually unpleasant.
Rob – Yes. Another question that’s kind of related to that. Is hyper sensitivity that many people are experiencing – is that due to the electronic matrix? Or it’s a combination of things?
COBRA – It is a combination of natural ? certain souls, which have to be sensitive to have certain channels open. But that sensitivity can be misused by the technology of the Archons. All those electronic plasma scalar devices can actually distort that sensitivity in a way which is not comfortable.
Rob – OK. I guess I want to ask you a question about the Dogon people. There’s been pictures of space ships on cave walls with stories of a space ship coming down, hollowing out some ground and putting in water and dolphins talking to humans. Is there any truth to that?
COBRA – Yes. That was a visit from Sirius star system a long time ago. And actually there was a strong presence of Sirius population in central and north Africa throughout history.
Rob – OK. So this is not really a humanoid. It seems more like an animal. I understand the dolphins are higher souls come here to – according to Sheldon Nidle – to weave and connect the etheric matrix in the oceans and to heal the earth – dolphins and whales both – but they’re not humanoid. But you’re saying they actually exist as conscious sentient beings like humanoids in what we would consider dolphin bodies?
COBRA – Yes. You see in this Sirius star systems there are many watery planets and many life forms have evolved there. Some of them are humanoid, some of them look like dolphins and some of them look like something in between.
Rob – OK. Do they exist exclusively in the water?
COBRA – Some of them, yes, and some of them have water as their natural habit. Some of them are amphibious, and some of them are living on solid ground. It depends. There are a few planets in that star system and they have different configurations – different ratio between water and solid ground.
Rob – Yeah, thank you. The Argians are one of my favorite and they did evolve from water. They talk about that. Has the Resistance chosen you or did you choose this task you have now?
COBRA – Actually, I have been asked by the Resistance to start a blog. It was not my idea. I have received some suggestions and I was not very happy about it, because I felt it’s too early and they said, now is the time. Just go for it and start it.
Rob – Okay. Things take a long time to grow. Are you personally pleased with the support from your crew on the surface?
COBRA – I would say I’m extremely pleased by certain people. Some people have surprised me very positively. But I also need to say that many people have surprised me negatively because there is much less cooperation on the surface than I had expected. This is one of the main reasons why this has taken so long. When I see all those drama’s, I just can not believe.
Rob – I know. What would you wish further form the ground crew that we could create or do?
COBRA – Okay. I would wish that people begin to fight this fight together. If you want to liberate this planet we have to cooperate. And I really mean that. We need to have a common vision and a common goal and start working together for this.
Rob – OK. In my opinion, and from what I understand, the reality that we exist in, the physical plane, is a manifestation of the collective level of consciousness of humanity. Humanity has been dumbed down, hats, sun glasses and we continually look down. Would you agree that when humanity raises it’s spiritual consciousness and vibration, that the energies will be ripe for the event and that on a certain level people must adhere to the spiritual awakening just as much as learning about what’s going on on the planet? Would you agree that a spiritual awakening process is very important as well?
COBRA – I would say that a spiritual awakening process for humanity is only possible after the event. The event will happen when the technologies of the Chimera group are removed. The light forces are no longer waiting for humanity to wake up or people to cooperate, that of course would make it easier. The transition would be much softer, but it is now when the technologies are removed, when all those factors are taken care of, they will just go for it.
Rob – So you don’t think that people’s spiritual vibrational upliftment is that significant to creating change on the planet? You think that would be too slow with the levels that we have now. Is that what you are saying?
COBRA -Well, with the levels . . . If we just wait for humanity that would take decades or even centuries. So, ah, there needs to be an intervention of the light forces from above this perspective to make this change happen. Of course every individual is important. Every spiritual group that can be made can make this transition easier and faster. But on humans alone, I would not say that humanity is in a state to be able to make this transition happen in a way that would make it a good plan, because I would say the level of cooperation even between the leading persons in the liberation movement is too low for any coordinated action. So that coordinated action, if possible, will come from beyond the surface of the planet and only then I can see that human beings will be able to follow that impulse, that vision, and when they see some concrete results, concrete proof, then people awaken. Human beings can not awaken based on inner experience alone. They need concrete proof, they need evidence . That evidence will be provided.
Rob – I kind of disagree with that. I think that each Individual through their own spiritual experience could awaken that way. Are you saying that there is no individual spiritual awakening that can liberate someone without the event?
COBRA – It can, but I am not expecting this to happen on a massive scale enough to create the event. I would say that the spiritual awakening on a massive scale will happen after the event when people have the evidence and the light presence and when the Cabal will be removed and when the spiritual growth will happen without those obstacles. I’m speaking now on a global scale. Of course, on an individual scale, your own individual awakening is up to you. But I’m speaking of the general psychological and ? of humanity as a whole.
Rob – OK Thank you for that distinction. I wanted to make that clear. I had a feeling that’s what you means. Here’s a fun one I like as I love crystals, laser’s and scalar waves, which are going to be at my Mt. Shasta Conference. I have to say that we have a very cool system there.
Cobra, what is the future of crystals in our lives?
COBRA – OK. Crystals are actually, I would say, the most highly evolved matter on the physical plane and they can reflect higher consciousness and during the transitional period crystals will have a very important roll in the awakening of the masses.
Rob – Yes, the advanced healing technologies will be utilizing sound, light and color frequencies directed through the crystals which will act as resonance transducers. Would you agree with that?
COBRA – Yes, yes of course. Similar technology was used in Atlantis and similar technologies were used in many different star nations around the galaxies. This will be slowly introduced, but on a much higher level than we have right now.
Rob – This is a very basic question, but this is for the people of South Africa. This answer folks is on the web-site for those of you who read. But we have many new listeners who have not been to www.prepareforchange.net, which you need to go to and read. You should buy the book called: The event on Cobra or my site, or www.prepareforchange.net. This will give you great back-ground for what is going on here.
Here’s a good question you can answer for the new people: Can you tell us the main difference between the event and what the New World Order (NWO) is planning to bring?
COBRA – These two are completely opposite things. The event is the liberation of humanity. It is the removal of the Cabal. It is the freedom of the people. It will give power to the people. The New World Order – everyone knows what that means. I don’t need to repeat that.
Rob – OK. and it does seem that everyone is expecting the New World Order to do something to get their big control. We’re deeply involved in it. We’ve been in the control for long enough folks. It’s time that it goes the other way. So don’t expect any more big negative things.
Although Benjamin Fulford and many people talks about a Cabal orchestrated plot in September. Do you have any information on this? Will this be thwarted at this time? Is this being handed by the RM?
COBRA – You see the Cabal has many plans for many false flags for many different levels of extinction events. None of this will work as they want. I would say that now we’re living the maximum level of control is right now. This is the maximum stage of the New World Order ever on this planet. It can only get better. It can not get worse.
Rob – Is the universe infinite?
COBRA – I would say the consciousness is infinite, but the material universe is limited by laws of physics in matter itself.
Rob – I would agree with that. That was an answer that I was expecting. Thank you for that.
Here’s a good question: This is an individual process, but how do we start developing the discernment of who we really are as sovereign individuals to differentiate from dark systems of control?
COBRA – OK. There is a lot of drama around this sovereignty thing. It is not about you fighting this system. It’s about you living in the cracks – in the matrix. So you don’t need to challenge the system. You just exit the system and live in the cracks – when you are invisible, when you live in a different vibrational frequency than the system.
Rob – Okay. I guess we’re gonna switch back to another question here. How will the credit system or the financial system work in the new system? You’ve said the stock markets will close forever. Won’t there be a lot of resistance from the general public on this type of thing? Is this . . . Won’t this kind of put people into a drastic fear-based money situation? Or are there plans to alleviate this and explain it all?
COBRA – OK, the drastic fear situation will happen when the banks close at the moment of the event. And of course in that period when the banks are closed, the general public will be informed through the mass media about the situation. They will be very happy when the collateral accounts will be given to humanity and when they receive more abundance. So they will not complain. Of course a small percentage will complain. There is a certain percentage of people that will complain about anything.
Rob – So it will be clear to people that their stocks and all that that they’ve had invested there, will no longer be bringing dividends but they will receive value for their money back. They will welcome this new system based on that information.
COBRA – Exactly, yes, yes.
Rob – OK very good. Does the story of Noah and the flood have anything to do with reality or the sinking of Atlantis or is that completely a myth?
COBRA – Yes, it has much to do with reality because there were drastic floods in the near east 5,000 years ago and also of course there was a global cataclysm which destroyed Atlantis around 11,500 years ago.
Rob – Was he contacted by higher dimensional beings to build an actual ark?
COBRA – Something similar happened, yes, but not just in one location. It was happening simultaneously in many locations around the planet.
Rob – Okay so that’s the only record. There were many similar type Noah’s gathering different animals around the planet. Correct?
Rob – OK. What’s the difference between the higher self and the soul? Are they the same? Can you explain their functions?
COBRA – Basically there are two expressions for the same thing. This is your own inner presence. You can describe the soul or higher self. It’s the real you.
Rob – OK. Is it possible to be disconnected from the soul?
COBRA – It is possible and this has actually happened to some members of the cabal?
Rob – You mean when they’re sent to the central sun?
COBRA – No, when they went to different implantation process through different dark rituals and through their life styles and their choices. Some of them have been disconnected gradually and some of them have been disconnected through different experiments in the past
Rob – Okay, that’s interesting, because the soul is who we are that retains it’s individual consciousness through lifetimes. So they take over; the soul is disconnected. The soul is sitting like in some type of prism and it’s actually used as an empty shell through a technology?
COBRA – I would say that in the Cabal’s cases a part of the soul is projected in the ? and that part slowly or fast becomes disconnected and has independent life which is controlled by the elementals, by the spirit possession, by technologies and other things.
Rob – OK. another question is: Egypt seems to have had a nice revolution. It seems like the light forces have taken over there and calmed the situation and have removed the Cabal agents of the Muslim Brotherhood. They did not open the border to the people of Gaza to escape from the recent bombs of Israel.
Why didn’t a kind of a RM backed positive Egyptian coup government provide refuge for the Palestinians who wanted to escape?
COBRA – OK, there is certain tension between various groups in Israel. I would say there was certain pressure for certain of those groups in Israel towards Egypt.
Rob – OK. Thank you. Here’s a question for someone that says they’ve listened to you, they followed you. You said to buy a home would be a good place to put money. They bought a home. They put money in gold which is a real viable asset. They were concerned because some prognosticators say the pole shift will happen in two years and gold is going to go down and other things. Did the person who follows your advice, would you still say that they probably made a good choice to purchase a home.
COBRA – Of course, number 1 – you need to listen to your own self and not my own advice and my advise is just a suggestion. And yes, from my perspective, I still believe it’s a good choice.
Rob – OK. Do you have any information on the Brazilian leader that was killed. He seemed to be a positive guy and some of the Brazilian people feel he was murdered. Is that correct?
COBRA – Yes, unfortunately the Cabal removed that person.
Rob – Are there any particular risks to iphones from other cell phones?
COBRA – I would say they are basically all the same. There are many risks from the cell phones from radiation to surveillance. I would suggest do not use them if it’s not necessary. So use them when you need them but not more.
Rob – Another multiple question one we had I wanted to get to was about the Hadron Collider. It’s a star gate. Is it being used by the Cabal? Is it going to come back on line? Can you tell us anything other than what it’s claimed to be as a scientific experiment? Can you tell me . . . I know they may be taking information and then trying to develop negative things from it. But in and of itself, is it designed as a ley line disruptor, a weapon, a star gate? Is the location significant? Tell us about the Hadron Collider.
COBRA – I would just put it this way: in a way there are good elements in that involved in its projects, but basically the Chimera group is misusing the whole thing. So I cannot say much because this is classified at the moment. There are things going on there which need to be prevented and will be be prevented. But there are some elements there that have plans that are not nice and they need to be stopped.
Rob – OK. What are the role of the Lyrians in the liberation process? Do you know about them? Can you tell us about this race?
COBRA – OK. I would say that race is not directly involved in the forefront but they are inspiring creativity in human beings.
Rob – OK. Do you have advice for star seeds at this time.
COBRA – Yes, I have. I would just remind all the star seeds that they have come from higher dimensions from greater reality and to connect with that greater reality as much as possible, to connect with their home, to connect with the stars and bring as much as possible that reality here. Because this reality here needs that higher vibration and to connect with other star seeds and other star people in a positive way.
Rob – OK. We have a request from several people actually – would like to hear your comments, views and ideas on dreams.
COBRA – Yes, but they need to be more specific than that.
Rob – Tell us what are dreams.
COBRA – Dreams are part of the daily cycle. As we have part of our existence on the physical plane, dreams are connecting us to the astral plane. It’s a way for us to process part of our emotions which can not be processed consciously. Dreams have a symbolic language that speaks to us. Actually, souls try to speak to us through the symbolic language, but unfortunately the Archons, and.. . with their technology, have the ability to disrupt our dreams and to influence what we dream of. So we have to be very aware the manifestation of the dream is coming from. Is it coming from our higher self? Is it coming from processing our subconsciousness or is it coming from the Archon technology?
Rob – OK. Another question, I guess it’s kind of related to the earth changes and stuff. I’ve been told that when we get very close to a pole shift and things shifting on the planet, that their electrical systems will not necessarily explode, but will short circuit. Is this true something that we can look forward to as a sign that some big changes are taking place?
COBRA – OK, you don’t have to be afraid that the polar shift will happen before the first contact. Nothing like that will happen before the first contact.
Rob – OK. Good. Can you comment on the Schumann resonance? Is it coming down, or whatever? Can you comment on that?
COBRA – There has been a lot of claims about the Schumann resonance. Schumann resonance is not just one frequency. It’s a series of frequencies which is actually describing the resonance frequencies of the ionosphere. It is not changing. It is simply that there are certain pique key frequencies that excites the ionosphere. This has been theoretically proposed by Dr. Schumann in the 50s and has been actually measured much later. And it is not connected directly with consciousness in the way people understand, but yes there is a certain. . . one of the main of those frequencies is resonant with the frequency of the human heart – that is true. But this also has some cosmic meaning because there are other galactic resonance frequencies and Schumann resonance frequencies are synchronized with the galactic frequencies on a certain level.
Rob – OK. Here’s something kinda out there for me but several people have asked it. There’s been claims of 15 primary multi-dimensional control beings and that they’ve been responsible for manipulating the grid on earth for 54 million years. Can you comment on that? Is that anything you know about or is that nothing you’ve ever heard?
COBRA – I’ve heard about this story and I would say that the grids have been manipulated on earth but not such a long time frame. And, yes, there have been some control beings. I just hold the mark on some people have other names for them. All of this is going to be recycled very soon.
Rob – Right. Would you say the number 15 is accurate?
COBRA – I would say it depends on how you group those beings. It’s not a linear distribution. (Yea, OK.) You can just say that there’s one major group of 200 people. You can say it’s a top group of 15 people. You can say it’s a group of 12 people. It’s always shifting it’s not a static thing.
Rob – Here’s a good question and then we can make this our last one. How much progress has there been in disabling the strangelet bombs and their associated etheric scalar weapons and the Chimera group?
COBRA – I would just say there has been progress. I will make a report about this maybe in a week or two. But you see, much intel about this has to be classified because it’s a very sensitive operation. This whole thing is much more dangerous than nuclear bombs. Of course, not much can be said about the actual operations themself. This is the reason why there isn’t much intel out there in the last few months as these operations are under progress.
Rob – OK Cobra, thank you so much. A wonderful interview. We got through a lot of questions. I appreciate your time today. We’ll do it again next month. Thank you very much folks, Victory to the light.
COBRA – Yes, thank you everybody for listening in. Yes, Victory of the light.