20150411-12 Report on Cobra/Isis Breakthrough Conference held in Alfriston, Sussex, UK
25. 4. 2015
Report on Cobra/Isis Breakthrough Conference held in Alfriston, Sussex, UK April 11 - 12, 2015
Part 1
[Disclaimer: This report is based on notes taken at the time, and although I have tried to be accurate, I may have mis-remembered or mis-interpreted. So please do not take the following words as ‘absolute truth’. Thank you. ]
As some of the content of this conference may be similar to other conferences, the focus of this report will be to provide a sense of what it is like to attend an energetic event like this.
The venue chosen was a non-conformist church in the charming and ancient village of Alfriston. The nave of this de-consecrated church could comfortably hold fifty sitting in theatre style to listen to the presentations, often illustrated with beautiful slides. When we arrived, delegates had – as was made completely clear on the joining instructions – to sign a non-disclosure agreement. This is to maintain the secrecy relating to the identities of both presenters, for reasons which are too obvious to be spelt out here.
The area we were in lay near a park with a special relationship with the Pleiades. As on the Saturday the planet Venus was transiting this constellation, this was highly significant.
I think most of us coming to our first conference, enjoyed the experience of being able to talk to others, without quizzical eyebrows being raised about topics as diverse as extra terrestrial races, etheric beings, secret space programs, the return of the Goddess and the implications of The Event. Although the teenage years were not represented in the audience, there were roughly an equal number in all the decades from twenties through sixties. This in itself was somewhat unusual. There were even two children.
The room had been prepared in a way that was fitting for the sacred nature of what was being dealt with. Sessions opened with meditations and we were reminded that the conference was energetic as well as one of sharing information and a chance to ask questions.
The Breakthrough is close and Victory to the Light is assured.
However, it is of great value to understand the way in which the planet has been held in a form of involuntary quarantine.
As some of the content of this conference may be similar to other conferences, the focus of this report will be to provide a sense of what it is like to attend an energetic event like this.
The venue chosen was a non-conformist church in the charming and ancient village of Alfriston. The nave of this de-consecrated church could comfortably hold fifty sitting in theatre style to listen to the presentations, often illustrated with beautiful slides. When we arrived, delegates had – as was made completely clear on the joining instructions – to sign a non-disclosure agreement. This is to maintain the secrecy relating to the identities of both presenters, for reasons which are too obvious to be spelt out here.
The area we were in lay near a park with a special relationship with the Pleiades. As on the Saturday the planet Venus was transiting this constellation, this was highly significant.
I think most of us coming to our first conference, enjoyed the experience of being able to talk to others, without quizzical eyebrows being raised about topics as diverse as extra terrestrial races, etheric beings, secret space programs, the return of the Goddess and the implications of The Event. Although the teenage years were not represented in the audience, there were roughly an equal number in all the decades from twenties through sixties. This in itself was somewhat unusual. There were even two children.
The room had been prepared in a way that was fitting for the sacred nature of what was being dealt with. Sessions opened with meditations and we were reminded that the conference was energetic as well as one of sharing information and a chance to ask questions.
The Breakthrough is close and Victory to the Light is assured.
However, it is of great value to understand the way in which the planet has been held in a form of involuntary quarantine.
There are layers involved with this process of deprogramming. Before we came to this planet for the first time, 25,000 years ago, there was the first incursion by the archons. They used implants to separate us from the Source. This took place in Atlantis. There were no exceptions. This ensured that souls would recycle to Planet Earth in repetitive reincarnations. This was the first level of control through implants.
The next layer of control is applied as souls incarnate. The etheric and plasma bodies are programmed so that we forget all our past lives. Because of this we absorb our mother’s emotional states which provides another level of programming, and one that drops deep into the unconscious.
The next level is provided by school where minds are shaped to the archon agenda. This programming has been put in place particularly by the Jesuits who created most of the universities, thereby influencing the whole education system.
More recently, the Rockefellers took over education, especially with regards to science. They twisted what counted as science to avoid awkward questions being asked. For example, the speed of light being absolute is "rubbish" as is the second law of thermodynamics. By presenting both of these ideas as universal truths, avenues of exploration about our physical and metaphysical universe are cut off.
The next layer is provided by the Media. There are many aspects to this. All significant mass media is in the hands of the cabal. They are able to shape the worldview of the population providing an outlook on life. They have some influence over the Internet. However, the Internet came from the Resistance Movement as it was recognised this form of communication would play a crucial role in the liberation of the planet. (The Resistance Movement is also significantly represented in CERN, in Switzerland. Therefore, there is no threat from this enterprise.)
Last December, 2014, was the Isis Activation leading to the Breakthrough Phase. Cobra was involved in a near space stratospheric flight and also began to release information about the Chimera Group. Cobra went above the 8.6 mile quarantine layer that encircles our globe, in a Russian military plane. About fifty people were involved in making this possible. Delegates were shown a photo of Cobra in the plane, near outer space.
The IS:IS Portal Activation which took place in Egypt, was a key moment. There is a symbolic and real relationship between the Nile and the Milky Way. The Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy form a polarity, with the Triangulum Galaxy acting as the higher consciousness of both the other galaxies. A direct pulse of light from the Triangulum passes through both the other galaxies. The transmission of the Goddess Energies were activated on December 15, 2014. This was done from motherships which formed a ring around a specific moon. One result of this was that by January 2015 all the strangelet and toplet bombs had been removed.
There are layers involved with this process of deprogramming. Before we came to this planet for the first time, 25,000 years ago, there was the first incursion by the archons. They used implants to separate us from the Source. This took place in Atlantis. There were no exceptions. This ensured that souls would recycle to Planet Earth in repetitive reincarnations. This was the first level of control through implants.
The next layer of control is applied as souls incarnate. The etheric and plasma bodies are programmed so that we forget all our past lives. Because of this we absorb our mother’s emotional states which provides another level of programming, and one that drops deep into the unconscious.
The next level is provided by school where minds are shaped to the archon agenda. This programming has been put in place particularly by the Jesuits who created most of the universities, thereby influencing the whole education system.
More recently, the Rockefellers took over education, especially with regards to science. They twisted what counted as science to avoid awkward questions being asked. For example, the speed of light being absolute is "rubbish" as is the second law of thermodynamics. By presenting both of these ideas as universal truths, avenues of exploration about our physical and metaphysical universe are cut off.
The next layer is provided by the Media. There are many aspects to this. All significant mass media is in the hands of the cabal. They are able to shape the worldview of the population providing an outlook on life. They have some influence over the Internet. However, the Internet came from the Resistance Movement as it was recognised this form of communication would play a crucial role in the liberation of the planet. (The Resistance Movement is also significantly represented in CERN, in Switzerland. Therefore, there is no threat from this enterprise.)
Last December, 2014, was the Isis Activation leading to the Breakthrough Phase. Cobra was involved in a near space stratospheric flight and also began to release information about the Chimera Group. Cobra went above the 8.6 mile quarantine layer that encircles our globe, in a Russian military plane. About fifty people were involved in making this possible. Delegates were shown a photo of Cobra in the plane, near outer space.
The IS:IS Portal Activation which took place in Egypt, was a key moment. There is a symbolic and real relationship between the Nile and the Milky Way. The Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy form a polarity, with the Triangulum Galaxy acting as the higher consciousness of both the other galaxies. A direct pulse of light from the Triangulum passes through both the other galaxies. The transmission of the Goddess Energies were activated on December 15, 2014. This was done from motherships which formed a ring around a specific moon. One result of this was that by January 2015 all the strangelet and toplet bombs had been removed.
Secret Space Program
Over this recent period there has been a very intense purification of the Solar System. It has been liberated in full. There will be no more interference from 'small greys' for example. The MOSS programme (Multidimensional Operations Solar System), is underway. Its successful completion will be followed by The Event.
After the archon invasion of 1996, many underground nuclear explosions were used to open portals. These sent spirals of darkness to the surface of the planet. The process of clearing is taking so long because the whole galaxy is being purified. It is a multi dimensional clearing. Its success is appearing more and more with signs in the sky, like rainbow coloured clouds. The rainbow is always a positive sign.
Comet Lovejoy which passed by in January 2015, crossed through light coming from the Pleiades. The plasma tail of the comet was infused with this light and this helped transform the plasma plane.
The idea of plasma has been deliberately hidden or obscured as it is so crucial to the control being exercised on planet Earth. Plasma lies between the Etheric (above) and the Gaseous (below).
After the fall of Atlantis, under the influence of the archons, the surplus population were oppressed into a low tech society. This applied to everyone except the Chimera groups. Since the Renaissance, there has been an influx of information originating in stars and galaxies. For example the printing press, the history of which is largely misunderstood, enabled every human being to have the possibility of reading and therefore receiving Intel. The printing press technology was held by the Blue Dragon Societies from China. This knowledge was taken to Florence and other cities. Advanced technologies were introduced in the 19th-century, when there was a serious effort to ‘reach the stars’. Although this was unsuccessful the knowledge was picked up by a German secret society leading to the development of Airships. This knowledge passed over to the USA. Tesla was involved, and tried to build a craft that would reach Mars, but the supporting technology and understanding was not there, so that attempt failed.
The second attempt was in Germany. The Thule Society initially was of the ‘Light Forces’. Telepathic communication with the Pleiadians was achieved. Schumann (of ‘resonance' fame) built an operational flying machine in Bavaria. The Thule Society was taken over by the dark forces (in particular, Hitler). Rudolf Steiner left. The Nazis formed treaties with ET societies. When World War II started, the Pleiadians withdrew from having any further contact. The Nazis then joined forces with the Draconians and the Reptilians. This is one of the reasons for the abominable experiments carried out on people in the Nazi death camps.
The positive ET groups helped to defeat the Nazis. In a sense, the Second World War, was a proxy war between the Draconians and the Pleiadians.
This resulted in the Nazi system being exported to the USA, through Operation Paperclip. Nazi theorists, scientists and key figures escaped to Antarctica, Argentina and the USA.
Those who went to the USA became part of the secret space program. Wernher von Braun, the Nazi rocket scientist, joined NASA. NASA was formed to be a front and cover-up for the real space programme, that then started in earnest.
After World War II the movement towards globalisation was undertaken with the formation of the United Nations. The secret space program was globalised. Both Americans and Russians were involved with landing on Mars in 1962 and a base was formed there in 1964. The threat from unpleasant ET races was real, and therefore the Solar Warden Program was formed, to defend the Earth against negative ETs. However, the real reason behind the Solar Warden Program was to enable the Chimera to prepare for the archon invasion in 1996.
Underground bases were established for the US military and their secret programs, but these were infiltrated by the Draco energies in the US. These energies were clones in humanoid bodies. They took over the whole government structure.
Over this recent period there has been a very intense purification of the Solar System. It has been liberated in full. There will be no more interference from 'small greys' for example. The MOSS programme (Multidimensional Operations Solar System), is underway. Its successful completion will be followed by The Event.
After the archon invasion of 1996, many underground nuclear explosions were used to open portals. These sent spirals of darkness to the surface of the planet. The process of clearing is taking so long because the whole galaxy is being purified. It is a multi dimensional clearing. Its success is appearing more and more with signs in the sky, like rainbow coloured clouds. The rainbow is always a positive sign.
Comet Lovejoy which passed by in January 2015, crossed through light coming from the Pleiades. The plasma tail of the comet was infused with this light and this helped transform the plasma plane.
The idea of plasma has been deliberately hidden or obscured as it is so crucial to the control being exercised on planet Earth. Plasma lies between the Etheric (above) and the Gaseous (below).
After the fall of Atlantis, under the influence of the archons, the surplus population were oppressed into a low tech society. This applied to everyone except the Chimera groups. Since the Renaissance, there has been an influx of information originating in stars and galaxies. For example the printing press, the history of which is largely misunderstood, enabled every human being to have the possibility of reading and therefore receiving Intel. The printing press technology was held by the Blue Dragon Societies from China. This knowledge was taken to Florence and other cities. Advanced technologies were introduced in the 19th-century, when there was a serious effort to ‘reach the stars’. Although this was unsuccessful the knowledge was picked up by a German secret society leading to the development of Airships. This knowledge passed over to the USA. Tesla was involved, and tried to build a craft that would reach Mars, but the supporting technology and understanding was not there, so that attempt failed.
The second attempt was in Germany. The Thule Society initially was of the ‘Light Forces’. Telepathic communication with the Pleiadians was achieved. Schumann (of ‘resonance' fame) built an operational flying machine in Bavaria. The Thule Society was taken over by the dark forces (in particular, Hitler). Rudolf Steiner left. The Nazis formed treaties with ET societies. When World War II started, the Pleiadians withdrew from having any further contact. The Nazis then joined forces with the Draconians and the Reptilians. This is one of the reasons for the abominable experiments carried out on people in the Nazi death camps.
The positive ET groups helped to defeat the Nazis. In a sense, the Second World War, was a proxy war between the Draconians and the Pleiadians.
This resulted in the Nazi system being exported to the USA, through Operation Paperclip. Nazi theorists, scientists and key figures escaped to Antarctica, Argentina and the USA.
Those who went to the USA became part of the secret space program. Wernher von Braun, the Nazi rocket scientist, joined NASA. NASA was formed to be a front and cover-up for the real space programme, that then started in earnest.
After World War II the movement towards globalisation was undertaken with the formation of the United Nations. The secret space program was globalised. Both Americans and Russians were involved with landing on Mars in 1962 and a base was formed there in 1964. The threat from unpleasant ET races was real, and therefore the Solar Warden Program was formed, to defend the Earth against negative ETs. However, the real reason behind the Solar Warden Program was to enable the Chimera to prepare for the archon invasion in 1996.
Underground bases were established for the US military and their secret programs, but these were infiltrated by the Draco energies in the US. These energies were clones in humanoid bodies. They took over the whole government structure.
How was the SSP financed?
Finance for this secret space program came from the gold looted by the Nazis in World War II, the gold the Japanese looted from the Chinese, and exported to the USA or hid it in the Vatican or in the Philippines.
The drugs trade and weapons smuggling has been an important source of revenue. In addition, 30% to 40% of the taxes that we pay go to the SSP. The Manhattan Project, responsible for the atomic bombs, was also a highly classified program funded in a similar way.
This same black money has been used for funding the building of secret bases and developing secret fleets. If you wish to know who owns the world debt, it is the Secret Space Program.
DraconianShips took over the solar system after 1995. Most of those involved in the SSP had no idea of the larger picture. Diplomats thought that they were protecting the Earth.
However, there was secret infiltration into the program, first initiated by Eisenhower. Later, a group called "The Organisation" were established under "Michael" underground, in bases below new York city. The positive Andromedans were also involved.
The secret space programme has had a big impact, influencing current finances, technologies and the level of world poverty.
This larger picture needs to be understood by a critical mass of people. For this reason Intel is being released. More is coming.
In fact, reality is much stranger than sci-fi.
All three Matrix films and Avatar were influenced by the light forces, and contain interesting information, not deeply hidden.
The military industrial complex involves private corporations, and this is true also of the SSP. The main motivation is thus profit. This has led to the mining of the asteroid belts. Dick Cheney claims to head this. Some of those involved in the SSP claim to own parts of the solar system.
The Chimera Group have developed exotic weapons. This is why dealing with the SSP is taking so long.
On our side there has to be an AWAKENING. People need to be informed. As more become informed the network of light allows the Light Forces to intervene. The IS:IS portal allowed direct entry.
Finance for this secret space program came from the gold looted by the Nazis in World War II, the gold the Japanese looted from the Chinese, and exported to the USA or hid it in the Vatican or in the Philippines.
The drugs trade and weapons smuggling has been an important source of revenue. In addition, 30% to 40% of the taxes that we pay go to the SSP. The Manhattan Project, responsible for the atomic bombs, was also a highly classified program funded in a similar way.
This same black money has been used for funding the building of secret bases and developing secret fleets. If you wish to know who owns the world debt, it is the Secret Space Program.
DraconianShips took over the solar system after 1995. Most of those involved in the SSP had no idea of the larger picture. Diplomats thought that they were protecting the Earth.
However, there was secret infiltration into the program, first initiated by Eisenhower. Later, a group called "The Organisation" were established under "Michael" underground, in bases below new York city. The positive Andromedans were also involved.
The secret space programme has had a big impact, influencing current finances, technologies and the level of world poverty.
This larger picture needs to be understood by a critical mass of people. For this reason Intel is being released. More is coming.
In fact, reality is much stranger than sci-fi.
All three Matrix films and Avatar were influenced by the light forces, and contain interesting information, not deeply hidden.
The military industrial complex involves private corporations, and this is true also of the SSP. The main motivation is thus profit. This has led to the mining of the asteroid belts. Dick Cheney claims to head this. Some of those involved in the SSP claim to own parts of the solar system.
The Chimera Group have developed exotic weapons. This is why dealing with the SSP is taking so long.
On our side there has to be an AWAKENING. People need to be informed. As more become informed the network of light allows the Light Forces to intervene. The IS:IS portal allowed direct entry.
The Central Civilisation
The Central Civilisation is located near the Central Sun. It Is composed of beings full of Light and high in Awareness. (They are sometimes referred to as The Wingmakers.) They form the Centre of the Galactic Network of Light. They are involved in the Mother Ships shaped like Spheres that are positioned in the Oort cloud.
They balance the energies that are coming into the solar system.The Galactic Central Sun is becoming active and will purge all darkness.
There are bases on the Moon, Mars and the asteroids. Each of the moons of Jupiter has bases also, with Ganymede as the main stronghold of the Light Forces in the solar system. They are now removing the last remnants of the SSP.
The Chimera protect themselves with strangelet and plasma bombs.
Boeing and Airbus are both involved in the building of Mother Ships.
The grid across the planet is detected from sensors based at Long Island. Direct contact therefore is not safe, with the beneficent ET forces. These sensors will be removed at the time of The Event. Light forces will intervene when hostages (the ordinary human population on earth) are safe. One of the purposes of the new Asian Bank is to be involved in the release of Info. Putin works for the Eastern Alliance. Obama is controlled (all presidents since Kennedy have been controlled). Putin puts Russia first, and the Eastern Alliance second.
The Central Civilisation is located near the Central Sun. It Is composed of beings full of Light and high in Awareness. (They are sometimes referred to as The Wingmakers.) They form the Centre of the Galactic Network of Light. They are involved in the Mother Ships shaped like Spheres that are positioned in the Oort cloud.
They balance the energies that are coming into the solar system.The Galactic Central Sun is becoming active and will purge all darkness.
There are bases on the Moon, Mars and the asteroids. Each of the moons of Jupiter has bases also, with Ganymede as the main stronghold of the Light Forces in the solar system. They are now removing the last remnants of the SSP.
The Chimera protect themselves with strangelet and plasma bombs.
Boeing and Airbus are both involved in the building of Mother Ships.
The grid across the planet is detected from sensors based at Long Island. Direct contact therefore is not safe, with the beneficent ET forces. These sensors will be removed at the time of The Event. Light forces will intervene when hostages (the ordinary human population on earth) are safe. One of the purposes of the new Asian Bank is to be involved in the release of Info. Putin works for the Eastern Alliance. Obama is controlled (all presidents since Kennedy have been controlled). Putin puts Russia first, and the Eastern Alliance second.
Murray Morison is the author of Time Sphere.
Click on the cover of the book to learn more.
Graham Hancock said of his book "A terrific read for young people of all ages"
Click on the cover of the book to learn more.
Graham Hancock said of his book "A terrific read for young people of all ages"

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