Translated into English by Inana, some words are added with highest intent as the translator has attended the conference as well.
These are personal notes made with best intent and capability, they are not what Cobra said word by word. However, they have been read and confirmed by Cobra.
Anyway, we think and hope that you might find interest in them, and that they will lead to some new insights.
Antares, Taygeta, Inana & Untwine
At the beginning, Cobra speaks about the programming process, which we had to go through as well, although we came from different star systems. We were forced to make a soul contract with the Archons. Our purpose was always to support the transition of the planet and humanity into the Golden Age. The Archons tried from the beginning to prevent us from remembering our missions by implanting us. The first implants from the times of Atlantis -which we still have within our systems- are the cause of the belief systems of today. Details about this first layer of implants can not be disclosed right now, as the time for this has not come yet. Cobra just emphasizes that this created a separate reality which is the basis of the structure of the Matrix. We are still subject to that artificial structure.
We have been, and are still today, inside of the imprisonment of reincarnation and this is an important part of the programming.
The second layer of implants is received during every birth. This is one of the reasons that we forget our past lives. So all implants of every single birth are still present within us and every single life we do not remember is blocked by the layer of that specific incarnation.
The third layer of programming is made through our parents during our childhood, also still present in every childhood of every incarnation. These are emotional and mental patterns which are seeded in us and "provide" us with a basic form.
The fourth layer of programming is made by kindergardens and schools. It goes on later in the world of career and business we are consequently influenced in such a way that we are forced to stay inside the program of the Matrix. For example in universities, in physics, what is taught is more than 100 years old, it is ignoring the quantum physics, which by the way are also not completely up to date. Science is infiltrated with errors by intent, to prevent humanity from awakening: the second law of thermodynamics is designed in such a way to make it seem that free energy is something impossible. According to relativity theory, the speed of light is the highest speed possible. Superluminal velocity (faster than the speed of light) at which spacecrafts function, is therefore apparently not possible.
The fifth layer of programming is achieved through media, religions and organizations. This layer for example includes the program that everything related to UFO's is considered as crazy. All this is installed to keep the masses inside of the program and to suppress open discussions about those issues. Open first contact can only happen when this barrier has been removed.
At the end of last year, the Breakthrough phase has been initialized, which will culminate into the Event. This is a process in development. The positive races have decided to accelerate that process. However, WE belong to this operation, we are supporting them with our active and conscious participation, with our decisions, intentions, will and actions.
Cobra speaks about his flight outside of the Quarantine and shows a picture of himself inside of that flying object (you can also visit this fascinating article "Cobra beyond the Veil": He reports about the beauty and peacefulness there, and that he has understood much about the Chimera when he was there. He is certain that a bright and peaceful future is coming for humanity.
The IS:IS Portal Activation last year in December was the most difficult one - with very positive consequences. One of those is the return of the Goddess Dou Mu. She entered through a place within the Agartha Network, coming from a different star system. The Dragon families are protecting her and are caring for her wellbeing. They have a special Laser technology that sustains the functioning of her pineal gland.
At the IS:IS Portal Activation on 15th of December 2014, an astronomical triangle of light was built. In our area of the cosmos there are 20 local galaxies. The most important ones are the Milky Way Galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy. These three galaxies are building an energetic triangle. Many billions of years ago the decision was made that these three galaxies will be serving to dissolve all spiritual darkness. The Triangulum Galaxy is something like the "oversoul", the supervisor of polarities with the purpose to dissolve duality. Last December, Triangulum Galaxy sent a flash of light to the Milky Way Galaxy and Andromeda Galaxy, which connected the energies of these two Twinflame galaxies. This will make the last existing darkness vanish forever, as it has initialized a huge transformation-energy-technology of these two galaxies. These two galaxies are from opposite polarity and they will transform every darkness that gets in between them.
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Art by Francene Hart |
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Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies |
Within the rings of the asteroid Chariklo are small motherships. On those motherships there are many females from different star systems and from the Resistance Movement, who channel Goddess energy and send it to our planet. All this energy has been transmitted through women. This has started a massive transformation of the whole solar system.
About the MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System), Cobra explains that since the IS:IS Portal Activation last December, the light forces from various star systems have increasingly been entering our solar system. Every darkness will be removed from physical and non-physical planes, which include all remaining members of the Chimera.
During the last Archon invasion which started at the 11th of January 1996, a negative stargate was created by subterranean nuclear explosions and particle accelerators. This energy vortex brings every remaining anomaly from the whole cosmos to Earth. The lightworkers and lightwarriors below, above and on the surface of this planet are transmutation stations of all that energy, they transform darkness. This clearing process is taking place right now.
Through the IS:IS Portal Activation, lightwaves were brought to earth, which upon their way became visible as signs in the sky. Cobra asks if participants of the conference in Konstanz have seen them and many have raised their arms. Cobra was very happy about that.
Comet Lovejoy: The name is the family name of the discoverer and it fits so well. Taking earth as viewpoint, the comet passed near the Pleiades last January. The effect of this was an increase of purification and an energy boost. Energy from the Pleiades was directed at the tail of the comet.
Secret Space Program (SSP): There will be many reports about the Secret Space Program in the near future and more and more facts will be disclosed. The SSP started at the beginning of the last century during a meeting of the Thule Society in Untersberg in Germany. A young medium was present there, Maria Orsic. She had received very detailed information about how to build a flying disc. The physicist W.O. Schumann from the university of Munich was also present at that meeting and he was the one who built those objects according to the instructions Maria Orsic had received. The flying discs where created and functional in the 20s. The first meeting of the Thule society in the described context took place in a shooting lodge near Berchtesgarden, and then others took place at different locations.
A little later, the Pleiadians came and offered their technologies with one condition: to prevent the second world war from happening. This negotiation was made, and then broken by the Nazis, so the Pleiadians retired immediately from any interactions with the Nazis. Instead of the Pleiadians, the Dracos came to the Nazis shortly after and worked together with them.
Even during the war, there was an intense phase of the SSP from which the Operation Paperclip emerged. Through the Operation Paperclip, scientists and technicians where "adopted" in the USA, brought by Wernher von Braun. Because of this, the SSP and the building of rockets was continued, now in the USA. Publicly it was mentioned as Apollo-Program, secretly it was the SSP.
In the background the USA and the Soviet Union worked together and in the 60s they already had bases on Mars and on the backside of the moon. The money for this program has been coming from two different sources : the first source is the Nazi gold and the stolen gold from Asia. The second source of that money has been coming from all of us, as there are many ways we have to give percentage of our income and general money to the state (at least 30-40 percent). Because of the global financial system, all humans are involved, not only those living in the USA. Spacecrafts are expensive, or they were very expensive especially in the beginning of the SSP (now it is forbidden to build them). Cobra mentions a number of 1 trillion Dollar, all in all. The ISS by itself costs 100 billion Dollar.
Already in the 60s there was a giant fleet of ships flying to Mars, our moon and to the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. The official name of this operation is Solar Warden (guardians of the sun) and the official reason for this operation is to protect our solar system. Some presidents of countries knew about this operation. There was a secret group inside of the UN that was monitoring it.
The true purpose of Solar Warden was to prepare the Draco invasion. Additionally the Dracos infiltrated the military, the military industrial complex, the US regime and all governments worldwide. Everything was subjected to that plan. This created something like the Trojan Horse for the Archon invasion in 1996, which was accomplished through the underground bases that had been prepared for that. Through the SSP throughout the years, a huge network of 2000 underground bases was created, worldwide, many of them in the USA.
Between 1960 and 2000 there was an intense space war going on. The light forces began to clear disturbances in outer space. In 2012 the majority of this solar system was cleared, only the Chimera group was remaining. This group represents only a few beings, yet the main problem was their connection with the Strangelet and Toplet bombs (on the physical and plasma plane).
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld also travelled through the solar system. Multinational corporations had been participating in the construction of space crafts like for example Boeing and Airbus. The engineers working there thought they where designing airplanes, in truth their knowledge was used for insights to create space ships. Within this context Cobra shows a picture of a space shuttle that has the logo of the US Post Company on it.
Now we are in the last phase to conquer the Chimera. Many times the question arises : why has the First Contact still not happened yet, and why is there no full open disclosure yet. The Chimera group has a system of detectors, monitored from Long Island, which detects any space vehicle that would land or make contact. Also in Long Island there is still the particle accelerator and the cloning facility. The cloning facility has made it impossible to arrest key members before the Event/Reset of the financial system.
Lightforces are coming from all over the universe now into our solar system. The Ashtar Command is an alliance of different star races/nations who have the soul purpose to liberate planet earth.
The Ashtar Command had direct contact with Eisenhower in the 1950s. The contact took place inside of the Edwards AF base. The publicly announced reason of Eisenhower’s absence was an appointment with the dentist. (Cobra mentions Putin’s recent appointment with the chiropractor in Vienna - Cobra smiles). A ship landed and the Pleiadians of the Ashtar Command offered again their technological help to Eisenhower with the condition to remove all nuclear weapons worldwide. The military of the US freaked out and so the contract was not signed. The Ashtar Command released a warning that now other ET forces would enter the planet. Then the Draconians came and they offered technology as well.
With them, a contract was signed : technologies for the military, the construction of underground bases and help with the SSP was given. In return they were allowed to abduct people to study their minds and to make tests with reading their minds and deleting memories. Some races did or do not have emotions and they wanted to do research on humans. This was the wrong way.
A short while ago, David Wilcock has reported about the sphere motherships. Cobra explains that the first wave of those ships came in March 2001 to our solar system. These ships are 3000-4000 km long. They started to stabilize the energies and prevent cataclysms and those operations have been very successful. When the cabal realized what was happening, they answered with 9/11.
The second wave of motherships came last December, immediately after the IS:IS Portal Activation. There are also bigger ships involved now, which have a length of 10.000 km. Since these really big ships are too big to interact directly within the solar system, they operate energetically from the Oort Cloud and they are cloaked. They bundle the energy coming from the more and more active Central Sun, and they send it into our solar system. Cobra emphasizes that we would not be here anymore without these ships, and that the surface of the planet would be inhabitable without their operations.
The beings on these ships (which David Wilcock refers to as the Blue Avians) are members of the central civilization, which is the first and oldest intelligent life in our galaxy, therefore the most advanced. They are coming now for the final liberation of this planet. These beings are also known as the Wingmakers. They are winged angelic beings, physical angels. Iona is a Goddess from the core of our galaxy and she brought, in ancient times, the mysteries of the Goddess to Atlantis.
The time "capsules" of the wingmakers are coded and new ones will only be found when the time is right, when the lightworkers of this planet will have raised their vibrations and understanding enough to be able to integrate the knowledge and teachings.
Cobra shows a picture of the Oort Cloud with ice objects and comets in it, which function as transmitting points as well. In between there are cloaked sphere motherships. The Oort Cloud has a diameter of one lightyear.
Cobra shows another picture of our solar system with the Kuiper Belt. Smaller ships are placed there which transmit the energy from the ships in the Oort Cloud to our solar system.
Until today the beings of the spheric motherships have interacted only indirectly with earth population and they only have operated from behind the scenes, because they have the highest wisdom, so they always needed a communicator in between. The vibrational mismatch between the surface population and them was just too big. Throughout the times they were guiding the Ashtar Command and the Pleiadian fleet. Now they have chosen a more direct interaction with planet Earth.
A question : why can the Unholy Four only be removed after the removal of the Chimera ? Cobra answers : this is because of the clones.
Another question : do the sphere ships beings really want the process of liberation to be slower ? Cobra’s answer is that David Wilcock is only giving the information of his contactee called "Luke". The sphere beings stand for equalization and balance in the highest sense.
The Central Sun is a giant giant Goddess. She is getting more and more active. She wants the liberty of all beings in the galaxy and wants to clear the whole galaxy from all darkness. This is why she is now sending out the "Ocean of cosmic Love". Cobra soon will make a post about the Ocean of Love, emanating from the heart of the Milky Way. This is a big energy field throughout the galaxy, and this creates the great awakening.
The Central Sun is the source of all energy, the source of all subatomic particles within our galaxy. Tachyons were created as the very first particles. Cobra has been contacted by the Pleiadians with the request to make tachyons available for humanity. Now there are several tachyon chambers around the planet and Cobra also offers tachyon products that help individuals, and will also help the collective when a strong network of tachyon chambers will have been established on earth.
A question : how about the Pleiadians and the Sirians and the ascension ? The answer is that they have physical bodies and a 5th or 6th dimensional consciousness. This means they are not all "ascended".
Cobra was asked about his first contact with the Pleiadians. His first contact took place in 1977 during which he was traveling through the solar system and he did not want to go back "home" to earth. The Pleiadians had to discuss for about 30 minutes with Cobra to convince him to go back inside of the Matrix to prevent a nuclear war to happen to humanity. He did not understand it completely at that time.
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Art by Nicholas Roerich |
Click here for part 1
Cobra :
The Event is a dynamic situation, a co-creation of us all, a decision on a collective level.
~The Brotherhood of the Star/Order of the Star~
The members of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood of the Star are guardians of the light on, above and below the surface of the planet. Throughout the ages they were protecting the light and keeping it alive.
The Order of the Star are 144.000 star beings of light who let the light shine and transform darkness with it. Right now, since the IS:IS Portal Activation last December, light is flowing from the Galactic Central Sun, steered through the facets of the moldavite chalice of the Holy Grail which is serving as a lens, directed to the 144.000 to trigger their awakening. We here, in this room and those, who are reading, belong to them. We "know" it and we have been trained all of our lifetimes for this momentous time, the "Shift of the Ages". All our past incarnations are preparations for the impact we are able to have right now, in this moment. This is the reason why the light forces have decided to release the Cintamani stone to the most awakened light workers. To do so in a broad spectrum was impossible before, up to now the information about this stone always was under strict secrecy. It still is an issue that requires all of our abilities in being truly responsible: This stone shall ONLY be given to those, who really have made a clear decision for the light, for active assistance in the liberation of planet Earth, for First Contact and ascension. This stone shall ONLY be given to those, who are working very consciously and very active on their own patterns, shadows and issues to be capable to liberate this planet -with their full being. If you make this choice right now, this can be your moment. Do NOT give this stone to people who are half-hearted, not awakened and of whom only YOU might think, that they could need that stone while they are reacting out of their programming. Do not give it to people who refuse or avoid to participate actively and be self-responsible in dissolving their own-ed patterns (even if they "are" victims, this is no justification to handle this stone irresponsibly). If you would give it to those people, it would have the effect, that the dark energies they are unwillingly and unconsciously channeling, are getting even more amplified. This would have a very negative impact on you, your soul family and on the whole Network of Light and therefore for the whole planet. So please, be very careful with this stone, it is an aspect of the Holy Grail, always take care of it and have a special place for it. The best thing is to wear it day and night. This has a special reason: At the Event, the Event energies will flow through exactly this stone. This stone is THE transmitting element for the Event energies to reach exactly you. You are together with this stone the transmitters of the energies of the Event at the culmination point, the moment of the Event. This as well means, that those who have a special role at the Event, will receive the multidimensional message, what they will have to do, in the same way. Who will have a special role at the Event ? You will. You will absolutely know what to do. You will be guided divinely through this stone in a very intense and strong way. It also is a massive amplifier of your positive energy and it will fully awaken you to all aspects of your mission, every day more, from the moment on at which you have made that very conscious and unconditional 100 percent decision : the decision to surrender to your divine role, which you are embodying right now, right in this moment. It will help you to remove your blocks, traumas, unsolved patterns, implants etc., yet, again, only with your whole-hearted participation. It is not important, how "far" you might think you are developed or not, it only depends on YOUR OWN decision and will, this is the key element here.
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Art by Nicholas Roerich |
In this moment, we, the Network of Light around the planet, are in special focus. The light forces are working actively to stabilize this light grid for the Event. In 1996 a negative portal has been created by the Archons and at that time the Network of Light was nearly completely captured. This situation is solved and over forever. Since the invasion in 1996 the light forces are working to fully free the Network of Light. It is already now starting to work again. You can see a confirmation of this fact if you look at the dawning stabilization of systems in the political, economical and societal structures, so that very soon peacefulness and liberation and end of all wars worldwide will have been gained. The Network of Light will then have become perfectly functional which will have had the effect of stabilizing the rest of humanity in all aspects of life and on all levels. So we -and therefore as well the masses- are getting ready for the Event, right now.
~Manifestation tools~
The 3 main steps in manifesting anything -ANY-THING!- are:
1. CONSCIOUS UNCONDITIONAL DECISION (most important, as this is condition for the rest to follow !)
Everything gets prepared in the non-visible areas to manifest in the material world. This means that everything which shall manifest in the physical world, takes the steps from the higher realms to the lower ones, with boundaries merging into one another. For better understanding of this process the different layers are listed here:
1. Mental (thought)
2. Astral (soul)
3. Etheric (emotion)
4. Plasma (merging of etheric and physical)
5. Physical (body)
1. Ideas - Vision - Thought - Knowledge - Deeper Understanding - Inhabiting spiritual realms - Realization - Insight - Decision - Will - Readiness for Action on all levels: mental, astral etc. - (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Telepathy/Access to "Universal Knowledge" = divine masculine aspect of creation)
2. Intuition, soulful participation with full presence, connecting with higher spiritual realms and beings, invocation for assistance of light beings belonging to the higher dimensions of divine light, surrender to the divine, allowing the divine to manifest through you (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Astral projection/Astral travel = divine feminine aspect of creation)
3. Feel, taste, hear, see, breathe in the new creation, all that will manifest, be in it as if it was real already, with all your being, with all your abilities to inhabit it with your complete emotional body (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Teleportation)
4. The same like in 3., even more physical: Think at those times in your childhood, when you wanted to make the curtain move with your pure will (goes in direction of multidimensional ability: Telekinesis)
5. Physical action: For example: Do your meditation, do your Yoga, eat healthy food, contact a person, create a website, write an e-mail, talk to people, print some flyers, look at people’s eyes and smile, give a workshop, make an important visit to another starseed, do GRIDWORK, create an Event Support group, create a Sisterhood of the Rose group, send the link of your group here :
or post it on Facebook, invite your friends per e-mail, meditate, create in meditation, etc
This of course are only examples to inspire. You know what to do by yourself, by connecting with your divine self.
I please everybody, to participate in doing gridwork at the area you are living at or anywhere else on the planet and to join or create an Event Support/Sisterhood of the Rose group. My friend Untwine is very active in that, so please contact him for further advice and information about gridwork as gridwork is one of the most important things to do right now.
(Note from Untwine : you can look at my article where i explain basic steps for anybody to be able to start doing gridwork :
If, after trying these steps, you are stuck, you can contact me at :, let me know where you are located and what you've done so far)
Gridwork assists massively in the full liberation of the Network of Light and this, again, is now MOST IMPORTANT, more important than anything else within the liberation process of planet Earth. And I guess everybody would like to have the Event right now. I please you to be patient anyway, because everything gets ready when it gets ready and the Event can happen when everything is in the right position.
But honestly, if you would ask me: I would wish the Event would happen immediately !
This way, in which things are getting manifested, is also the reason why in the last years all the activations have been taking place, like for instance the "Reboot of the Grid", the "AION Portal Activation" and the "IS:IS Portal Activation". Those activations are the anchor points within the planetary etheric body, so we -as the Network of Light- can be integrated in it. So the network of light can operate divinely. The activations have prepared the complete functioning of the Network of Light, which is now beginning to work again and it will be completed through us using the manifestation tools in an advanced way, using them for us as a planetary group. As this whole process has never happened before in this way and the consciousness on this planet has been distorted since aeons, so we need to gain deeper understanding about how this can work, how we can fulfill our individual divine role in perfect harmony within the planetary Network of Light, being conscious of every other individual being of light around the planet.
The Event is a collective decision. This means we transfer the law of manifestation to a new, higher level now. This is new for all of us. We have been programmed beyond our understanding, so we have massive problems to make conscious collective (and even individual) decisions, and the Archons are using these distortions through the media. They trigger unconscious collective decisions everyday through programming of the masses. This means WE are changing that with OUR absolute clear conscious collective decision NOW. The "higher" consciousness is always leading :
1. We now make individually an unconditional conscious decision and collectively an unconditional conscious group decision to inhabit our divine individual missions and our divine group mission: To assist the liberation of planet Earth, First Contact and ascension.
2. We invoke assistance, as individuals and as a group, beings and groups of the higher spiritual realms of light; assistance for us as individuals and assistance for us as a group for the liberation of planet Earth, First Contact and ascension.
3. Finally we act on that unconditional conscious decision as individuals belonging to a planetary group : the Network of Light. We act on the unconditional conscious decision for the liberation of planet Earth, First Contact and ascension; unique beings of light building one planetary group of light, like one diamond with many facets.
The now regained Network of Light will remain like this forever until eternity and from now on it will get better every hour, with every decision, invocation and action of you, right now, right in this moment. The Archons are now unable to ever disturb it again. The Network of Light is now becoming stable, so the likelihood for the Event to happen is increasing at every moment very fast.
~Release of top secret intel~
The situation of the planet has improved so much, that I am allowed to release an information, that has been kept top secret until this point in time, until today:
The vortexes inside of the Network of Light, which emerge from gridline cross points, are the entrance stations for the lightships at the time of the Event. This is one of the main reasons why the dark forces had captured and controlled the Network of Light. At the Event (and afterwards), First Contact will be made through this vortexes and the ships are using the higher dimensional etheric energy of these vortexes to manifest themselves into the physical. So this means, they can be seen inside of these vortexes.
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Art by Erial Ali |
During the Event an impulse from the Galactic Central Sun will be sent through the Spheric Motherships which are in the Oort Cloud. The Spheric Motherships transmit this impulse to the smaller ships inside of the Solar System which then transmit the energy into the planetary Network of Light, which is us. People who are sensitive to energies will experience very, VERY exciting energies. Very exciting ones. They and all others too will feel, that s o m e t h i n g is going on and they will search to find out what is happening. It will be very strong energies, quite exciting and extremely positive. There will be an intense experience, that there is something, that has happened, something new, never experienced before.
This impulse also serves to connect people, so they get informed about the Event and they get animated to communicate and meet with each other. Because of this it is so vitally important, to build the Event Support groups all around the planet; immediately, now. Numerous groups will be created, now, by you, exactly you, listening and reading right in this moment. Nobody else will do that for you. This is the challenge here, to do something, that has never been shown by someone else, which has never been done before. Therefore it is of significant importance, that you follow your inner guidance by connecting with the spiritual realms and beings and your higher self. This is, what you have been prepared for, during all your lifetimes. You have been prepared so intensely, because this situation and the resulting task is absolutely unique in the whole human history, actually in the whole cosmic history. This means: EVERYONE of you, yes, you, listening or reading, has a unique, special role at the Event, which no one else is able to fulfill. Every single one of us has a special function especially at the time of the Event and of course also before and afterwards. This is what we have tried to figure out all of our lives, this is our turn.
At the Event the Sisterhood of the Rose groups will meditate to stabilize the energy. They are the feminine aspect of the liberation process now. The masculine aspect of the liberation process are the Event Support groups. They will also meet and the Resistance Movement and the Light forces will contact the Event Support groups directly or indirectly. The light workers of the Event Support groups will receive instructions to make certain contacts, for example to the media. We here, physically present and listening or reading, have deeper understanding of what is happening than anybody else on this planet like for example politicians or other people, who usually have been in public until now. Those people, who have been in publicity until the moment of the Event, will be mostly completely confused when the Event will have been happening. They will need assistance and guidance, as they will not understand, what is going on and they will not know what exactly to tell to the masses. WE are the ones, who will have been speaking to the masses, who will have had explained what has happened, what is happening and what will happen. The future of the planet is in our hands now and from the time of the Event on as well. The infrastructure can remain functioning through our actions. We will have been the ones, that will have had informed the electrician, the man inside of the water supply, the chiefs and workers of the supermarket and of any other organisation/corporation. We will have been the ones that will have had explained what the situation is, what is coming for them and what to do. We will have been the ones who have communicated to those people around our house and area, how the situation is evolving into a positive future and how we can all play a role in this. We will have been explaining them the meaning of their role and the significance of their behavior during the crucial time, the first 1-2 weeks approximately after the Event. We will have been the ones who will have had initiated the actions that have a domino effect, the actions of all those people during the intense transition, when most people are confused and some -hopefully not- might be in panic. This is why we create now, in this exact moment, the Event Support groups all around the planet. The Event Support groups will have been the ones who will have been responsible to make sure, that the infrastructure will remain intact.
We are responsible because we know.
We know because we understand.
We understand because we are who we are: The Order of the Star.
We are responsible for the destiny of the planet. Planet Earth.
The destiny of humanity depends on how we fill in our role during the moment of the Event.
The destiny of humanity and planet Earth depends on our decision, right now, in this exact moment.
We are the ones making decisions, because everybody else is confused.
We are the ones who have the abilities, because we have trained our talents throughout all of our lifetimes, for this exact moment.
(note from the translator: to the creators of the Event Support and Sisterhood of the Rose groups : And this is "Our Cause")
From the moment of the Event on we are building up the new society.
The Event is the Zero Point for the whole cosmos.
At the Event we start again, freshly and new, from zero on.
Again: We built the new society, from zero on, a new beginning, a new dawn, the dawn of the Golden Age, that we have been waiting for since ages ago.
And the destiny of the planet is in our hands, in the hands of every single one of us.
This is the third part, written by Antares, translation by Inana. This was originally posted in German on
Click here for part 1
Click here for part 2
These are written as if Cobra was speaking, although these are not what he said word by word, but paraphrasing what he said. Cobra has read these notes and confirmed them.
Cobra :
We can already now visualize healing centers and communities, with healed ecosystems and abundance for every being. We are creating all this and we will get guidance and support for doing so.
Question from participant : How about balance between nature and technology, with sacred geometry included, bringing again harmony between earth and sky ?
Cobra’s answer : We recreate this while humanity as a whole determines the speed of the process.
The positive extraterrestrials will be visible in public when the masses are ready. Some might have contact of such sort already shortly after the Event. We can be contacted when we are ready for it. At the beginning contacts with the extraterrestrials will happen to people like us, so our reports can be shown in the media and people can see that it is nothing dangerous. During those contacts we will experience much joy and when it gets sent through the media it will deprogram the masses. When something gets shown in the media, it becomes "okay", this is the programming : When Brad Pitt would say, he had positive contact with ETs, the masses would believe it to be a good thing. So it has to be sent through the media. Only for people with deep religious programming it can get a bit more difficult.
Financial Reset :
On this planet everything and everybody has something to do with money, because life has been organized like that by intent, everybody has to fight for survival. Already now there are many technologies available that would allow all of humanity to live in abundance without the artificial construct of lack-consciousness. Up to now money has been used as an instrument to control and not as a tool to exchange energy. It gets presented to the masses as if it would be a tool for exchange, in truth it is used for sustaining the old power structures over the masses.
The Event is a financial new beginning and now we are in the Pre-Event phase. What is happening right now within the financial system is the creation of an alternative reality through the Eastern Alliance/BRICS states. As you can see this has permeated to the news of the mass media. The BRICS states have created the Development Bank. Last Friday (20.3.2015) the rate for gold exchange has been redefined, it now gets determined from Shanghai also and not only from London. This means that the Eastern Alliance determines the gold price as well. Throughout history, the financial system was always gold backed and only in the last century this was different. During the Reset the gold backing of the financial system will get reintroduced again. At the moment, the new infrastructure is growing steadily : the light forces and the Eastern Alliance have created the Development Bank, the new gold exchange rate, and different alternative paying systems. This has been accomplished especially through China and Russia. Everything happens step by step and gets prepared for the moment of the Event, so that the global financial system can be shut down. The institutions of the old system have been created by the cabal and are working only for them: Worldbank, IWF, FED, Swift. Nearly all of the money goes to them through a branched self-contained computer network. Only the Resistance Movement has special access to that system : in July 2012 they created a specific virus which can be activated at any time, so it will destroy the complete computer network of the old financial system. As the virus gets constantly updated to the cabal financial computer system, it can be activated at any moment. When the button gets pressed nothing will work in the financial system : no money will come out of the machines, no credit cards can be used, no stock market... Everybody will be excluded from access to all of that at the time of the Event. The purpose of that is to cut off the cabal from their access to the money of the world. This is a major part of the Reset. All debts will get deleted (except some debts between private people -after approval). Most of the debts are illegally created, they have their origin in the abusive money system of the cabal.
Who owes money to whom ? For example: Greece is in debt to the European Central Bank (ECB). Behind the ECB are the Jesuits and behind the Jesuits are the Chimera who use it for the Secret Space Program (SSP). Everywhere else the way with the debts is the same. This will change physically at the day of the Reset.
Example of how the abusive cabal-money-system creates money out of nothing : when we want to buy a house we go to the bank, we borrow the money, we make a contract. It only takes a few minutes on a computer to write this, and 200.000 Euro are "created" out of nowhere. The home bank never sees any of the physical money described in that contract and we now work 20-30 years of slave work to pay that "money” back. This slave work is made of OUR life energy, a "9 to 5" job. A huge amount of that money already gets diverted to the SSP (secret space program) automatically and through "credit" even more. Taxes and insurances go all to the SSP. We would also not get it for the retirement, it just vanishes. With the Reset this game stops completely. The central banks will be unable to go on as usual. Now it just takes time to built the new system through the BRICS countries and the light forces. At the Event the banks will be closed up to 2 weeks. It is good to have some cash money. Silver or gold is the best for this time period. We are prepared to possibly have some kind of human chaos and we are working already to reduce those probabilities to a minimum. Financially and technically everything is going to be fine. The unpredictable thing here is the human psychological factor. Shops which will still be open will accept cash money and shortly afterwards only gold and silver, when confidence in money is destroyed. Exchange of goods will happen, and neighbors helping each other. Mass arrests will very quickly follow the reset (or happen at the same time) and the light forces will go to the media and tell the masses what is happening. Parts of disclosure will get released and massive processes of de-programming will start.
Electricity, water supply, gas and food supply are absolutely fundamental to stay functioning.
The media have the task to make sure those systems will go on working, that the people working in these areas keep doing their work. This is just a transition. During that phase the new system gets introduced. Uncertainties can rise understandably, fortunately they are of short duration, because the new financial system has the impact to raise the frequency of the masses quite fast and this has an unimaginably big positive effect. The frequency then rises in such a way that no money is needed anymore in the near future. The masses have a certain way to reach the consciousness for a moneyless society. WE have that consciousness already now. For most of humanity it is a process of growth, so they just need a bit time and guidance after the Event to also reach that point. The new technologies, released after the Event, are of great help during that process. They will get released one after the other. Up to now people on earth related so much to their jobs and daily work, so they have been programmed to view hard work as the living basis, they think they have to do something to be able to be alive and if they stop working very hard they think they do not have right to exist. An important thing for them here is to realize, that we are divine beings, without limitations of physical borders. The new technologies will help to manifest this new awareness and new way of understanding life. So that all humans understand, that the basis of life is their eternal spark instead of hard physical everyday work. Food, clothing and a roof over the head then is something self-evident, for everybody -without questioning. A huge creative potential is set free through this change, as occupation of humans through money has gone. A new kind of exchange will come to the surface after a short period of money exchange within the new money system, which is gold-backed. The special drawing rights (SDR) are used as currency basket to create the new single currency. This financial unity includes everyone on earth. The new financial system is only a tool for the transition into the moneyless society and the light forces are guardians of that process. They will stop anybody who will try to interfere.
After 1-2 weeks, when the banks reopen, access to money will be working again. Those banks who worked together with the cabal are then bankrupt. If our money was in such a bank, we will get a compensation out of the collateral accounts. Within multinational corporations, restructuring will be taking place. Monsanto will have been gone, corporations like Microsoft, for example, will be treated like this : some parts will remain and be restructured, other parts will be removed, and the same will happen with all those corporations in all areas of life. Fabrics will be given back to the local areas they belong to. The stock market will be closed completely and definitely. The stock shares will be given back to people. Monopoly game over, no bonds, no derivates, everything deleted. The new financial system has its basis on true values without speculations.
Background of collateral accounts : The collateral accounts have been created by the royal bloodline families after the first world war as a global financial system to hold their wealth together. Officially they announced noble reasons for taking the gold, in truth it was stolen. During the 30s all gold was taken from the citizens of USA through the collateral accounts. In Asia the cabal stealed the gold from Japan during the second world war. After that, together with the Nazi gold, it has been brought to the Jesuits into the Vatican. As it was not secure in that place, the gold has been brought back to Asia, where it was hidden in Malaysia and the Philippines. A part of the gold was used for the SSP and for creating the underground bases of the cabal.
Dick Cheney has stolen all the money to invest it into the Mars corporation (managed by him) : the Mars bases and Mars colonies.
Most of the gold which was in Asia has been taken care of by the Resistance Movement 3 years ago, it has been brought to undisclosed locations below the surface of the planet. After the Event everyone on earth will receive a part of that gold in different ways, also for example through the new infrastructure, new technologies, free energy and through purifying of the environment.
First and foremost the money will be used for ending poverty worldwide immediately. First the poorest on this planet will be taken care of, so their basic needs will be covered. It will be prevented and forbidden for anyone who is not authorized to touch that money. If someone would only try to do that, he/she would be removed from the planet immediately, without questions asked.
The St Germain Trust has been founded by St Germain, an ascended master who was incarnated in the 18th century. During this appearance he has gathered a huge amount of wealth until he "disappeared" out of the surface of this planet. His money has been deported in a certain way into a bank and through interest rates it has grown to 10 trillion (10^12) Dollar. This money is meant for the light workers and it will be used by them to create healing centers and other projects of the light, so those beings can fully follow their missions to serve for the wellbeing of all of humanity.
The phases of the Reset :
The main BRICS states are: Brasil/Russia/India/China/South Africa. The newly created Development Bank is welcoming new members, like recently even England, Australia, France and Germany (see updates by Benjamin Fulford). This is the reason the USA are going crazy right now. The old financial system is breaking down in this very moment. One of the reasons for that is the psychological factor, as people lose their confidence in the money system. Also a physical factor is involved : the old system is a closed self-contained system. If we use the simple second law of thermodynamics, the old system has to crumble down when a certain number of mistakes is reached. As this old system does not allow to be improved or filled with positive energy and ideas, it sets itself for failure -sooner or later. The mistakes that it gathers everyday without allowing to receive "healthy updates" and corrections, those mistakes multiply trillion-fold everyday. This means that it is physically impossible for the old system to go on to exist much longer. As sure as the sun rises and as sure as the sun goes down, the old financial system will destroy itself.
What is the true value of a 50 Euro note ? About 11 Cent. If the ECB goes bankrupt tomorrow, the lack of confidence in money will be evident immediately. People will understand suddenly the principle that knowledge and information is power. If enough people understand that already now, the system breaks down sooner. The people who work inside the financial system are brainwashed through their study, through programming and through their jobs there. As soon as they understand, how the Rothschild system, the collateral accounts, the SSP and the trusts are functioning, they will no longer support them. Things like that happened many times in history, for example the hyper-inflation in Germany in 1929. A global hyper-inflation could arise if the system would break down. Maybe there is no time left for that process and the change will come sooner. It is also possible that tomorrow it gets announced that all banks are closed - anyway, it WILL happen, one way or the other.
The Event itself is unavoidable !!
Nobody knows the day, yet this day comes nearer with big steps, everyday. If everything is prepared well and in a comprehensive way, the transition phase can be more harmonious.
Our personal financial situations are based on our programs and mainly on the conditionings through the impacts the financial system has on us. It is a program of the Matrix. From birth on, during the time of school and later in work, money always plays a major role in our lives. Most people on planet Earth experience a constant lack of money. They have problems with paying the rent for their living appartements/houses and with supply of the basic needs. Everybody is working and working and working and has to go to the bank anyway to borrow some money. And then they work again to pay that money back and the interest rates also. So the banking system uses this process to create slave work.
We have the power to step out of that process and it starts with an energetic shift. First of all we understand now, that the people who made the old system, have been using occult knowledge. We use our higher spiritual wisdom to create cracks in the Matrix : as soon as we make ourselves invisible to the system, those cracks are being made. People who maintain the dark system use the collective unconsciousness to steer things that are invisible, they control in that way. They key of financial freedom is to go inside of "spaces in between", to go into the cracks in the Matrix, into the non-visible realms. One possibility to become invisible for the system is to use only cash money. The system is less able "to see" cash money than electronic money. If we use credit cards or bank cards the system can detect all our actions. When we take the money out of the account, no one knows what we do with it. It is good to take all money out of the bank now and transform it into gold and silver or any other real material value, or to realize a dream, invest it into projects for the good of all humanity. It is even better to make it circulate into good things than keeping it as cash or gold and silver. Through actions like this the flow of the collective money energy improves already, because the invested money gets a higher frequency, already now.
In Cyprus the money was stolen from all people through the banks. If you want to prevent yourself from experiencing personally this possible scenario, take your money out of the bank. Before the Event, situations like this are very likely. And it is of vital importance that you take your money out of the stock market, immediately. I have proven it myself several times, that equities are traded, controlled and personally bound. The stock price gets personalized and people have been treated as cattle, here as well. Stock prices for investors, that do not work together with the cabal, are manipulated to make them go bankrupt. This happens also to private people. So the key is, to get invisible financially. It’s interesting that on one side, beings of the light who really have good intentions and who work for the liberation of the planet with very positive projects, often, most of the time, fail. The cabal is manipulating it like that. On the other side, the whole process gets sped up with that as well : decades ago already, people with great inspirations have been suppressed and blocked or removed and as sad as it is, the system breaks down faster through that, because if every being of the light is in debt, there is no new energy feeding the system, so the old system has to die of stagnation. So no matter which choice the Cabal makes, their system is bound to fail. And broadly spoken, we are heeding with high speed into a moneyless society anyway. How we treat physical values now is of immense impact for our positive future.
The cabal controls all progressive technologies and this creates a block in development. The only solution is the Event, the Breakthrough. Even "normal" people begin to understand that something is not working correctly on this planet, for example in the field of computer technology. This awakening is unstoppable, as it gets more obvious day by day, hour by hour. And we can purposefully speed up that awakening.
In the physical, in the 3rd dimension, the flow of light is slow, so patience is useful. The Rothshilds began with their plans in the 18th century and what we experience today is the result of their plans. They knew that their great-great-great-sons would experience the global financial system. They had visions and perseverance and the only reason why they could succeed with their cruel plans is, because the collective allowed it to happen, because people did not say "no" in mass.
Now the time has come to say "no". We need a long term strategy instead of a short term strategy. Our decisions have the ability to be more powerful than those of the Rothshilds. With patience and perseverance we manifest our visions second by second. The results are getting visible, globally. There are reports in newspapers and TV about the successes of the Eastern Alliance. St Germain is, in truth, the one who has initiated the new financial system and he is THE light force behind the Eastern Alliance. To connect with him helps to speed up the liberation ! Another powerful tool is the written word. It is important how we share truth codes and which ones, such as information (=consciousness=light) in the internet on our blogs and all those networks. The more the truth gets spread, the more people awaken and the faster the changes happen.
(Not from translator : The Sunday evening at the conference, we (about 120 present people from different countries) did a meditation to activate the new financial system for Europe which "has been successful". It was the same meditation like in Taiwan. Everybody had a silver coin and we put them one after the other on the table in the middle of the room -which was a very intense and sacred energy-, we blessed them and meditated with the violet flame and St Germain, he was quite present in the room. And we held each others hands, standing in two big circles. Now everyone has such a silver coin at home and we can always reconnect with the energy and reinforce it again, having in mind the whole planet possessing noble metals)
Questions and Answers:
Question : How about life insurances ?
Cobra : Life insurances belong to the old system. People will get their money back, nobody will need life assurances.
Q : How about basic income ?
C : It is a good idea, yet decades old. It will manifest as a part of the new system. Everybody will be provided with basic needs without going to work. People who thinks they need more money can do something they really enjoy -for the wellbeing of all. One example to help understand the amounts of money that indeed belong to us the people : the new "Fighter" (a military fighter jet) in the USA costs so much money that if that money would have been given to A L L homeless beings inside of the COMPLETE USA, they would all own a villa now (not a small house). Only to clarify things a little bit.
Q : How long will the transition time after the Event, until we reach a moneyless society, last ?
C : A few months or a few years, it depends on how people accept the changes and how they handle the new energies.
Q : How fast will the climate change ?
C : It is already changing. The artificially created global warming is changing into a mini Ice-Age at the moment. After the Event it will be more harmonious, because the weather is a reflection of the collective consciousness. So when things are more harmonious and positive, it gets visible in the weather.
Q : What significance has the ley line work that Monty Keen has also encouraged to do ? What exactly can we do ?
C : There has been information put out about that already, please read also the articles from Untwine and build groups, you can connect on his blog... or there...
Q : Is CERN a danger for humanity?
C : No, the light forces and the Resistance Movement are watching over it.
Q : How about a third world war ?
C : No, no third world war.
Q : Is there more energy work necessary in Konstanz because of the town council ?
C : Yes, there is more work necessary as the old energies are still present partially.
Q : Cobra, what do you think about Ubuntu/Michael Tellinger ?
C : We are all sovereign beings and we do not need to prove our sovereignty through fighting with institutions and authorities in that way. We do not need to make a drama about our sovereignty, we can just live as sovereign beings and the key for that is information and it starts with your decision to liberate yourself - first energetically, then it materializes in the physical.
Q : Will there be free energy devices before the Event ?
C : Only if an investor can provide that without belonging to the old financial system. Until today this has not been accomplished, so my guess is, it will take until after the Event.
Q : Germany is in truth "stateless", we have an illegal system here in this country, with no legal law and many are not aware of that. In truth we are still war prisoners. How will that change ?
(Note from translator: Please read this article if you want to understand that situation, it is tied to all the NWO, luckily a failing construct. While the article fails to explain the distinction between "Jews" and "Nazizionists" (which is something completely different), nevertheless it is great info:
Some time ago Cobra also posted an article, called "The Red Pill", if you wanna read more about the background story :
C : Behind the scenes there are things happening showing that the economic situation is stronger than the political game. Countries get forced to work together with the Eastern Alliance. So connections with Russia and China follow soon. There will be a restructuring at the Event, yes. Yet, in the long term, nationalities are getting less and less important. The consciousness changes drastically when people see sightings of lightships, it triggers a realization of the galactic nature of the planet and of existence in general, and therefore national states and borders become meaningless and uninteresting.
Notes from Translator : Many thanks to Antares and Taygeta, the main people of the german website I personally believe that at least 70 percent of the people joined the conference through the great information Antares and Taygeta always provide for Germany, despite possible personal tasks and circumstances they might have as well. I love you.
Click here for part 1
Click here for part 2
Click here for part 3
These are written as if Cobra and Isis were speaking, although these are not what they said word by word, but paraphrasing what they said. Cobra has read these notes and confirmed them.
Even though communication is so important, there has not been enough conscious focus on it yet. Instead, communication is “taught” only unconsciously through the behavior of our parents, teachers etc. All this programming created many penetrator-victim situations. Feelings of not being good enough, competition and negative behaviors have been created and supported. Within the new energies there will only be win-win-situations. The new ways of communication will show up in all areas of life, so for example also in trading : the quality will be more important then the gain of money. Deep respect, honesty and truthfulness will be present. Excuses are also really important in the new world, but they have to be honest.
[Note from Untwine : I would like to add something important in my opinion : As we connect with the divine child, it is important to understand that the inner child/divine child is not the same as a physical child. Every adult has that archetype within, we all have it no matter what is our age. Therefore the inner/divine child is not about the reincarnation cycle, it is not our distorted idea of a physical child on Earth who is dependant, not fully grown, needs authority, is not able to take care of itself. This is not the inner/divine child. The divine child is within us all and it knows, it doesn't need authority or outside source, it is about connecting with our innocence, our sense of curiosity and exploration, of being neutral, which means to have no previous experience interfering with the way we see the world, like a blank page ready to be written on, by ourselves. So the divine child keeps these qualities and at the same time is still able, skilled, independant, it knows for itself to make its own choices. It is about pure divine innocence within us all]
Many Goddesses have an animal at their side, which expresses a certain power or ability. One of the symbol animals of Isis is the dove.